31 items found

Licenses: License Not Specified Tags: Biochemistry Cancer Developmental Biology Inorganic Chemistry Pharmacology Groups: ZENODO Types: publication

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    Biohacking in Africa: A Tool for Justice, Empowerment, and Development

    SOHA project evidences on: obstacles to the adoption of Open Science in Haiti and Africa Panel on Inclusion and Diversity MIT-MediaLab 22 – 24 september 2017
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    Renormalization-Group Equations Of Neutrino Masses And Flavor Mixing Paramete...

    We apply the general idea of renormalization-group equations (RGEs) to understand how neutrino masses and flavor mixing parameters evolve when neutrinos propagate in a medium....
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    SuperNEMO 0νββ sensitivity studies

    SuperNEMO is searching for the neutrinoless double-beta decay process which, if observed, would prove the Majorana nature of the neutrino. It builds on the strengths of its...
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    We consider the effect of neutrino spin oscillations νLe⇔νRe engendered by the neutrino weak interaction with the transversal matter current...
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    Competencia modelación matemática: concepciones y situación diagnóstica en ca...

    Esta investigación tuvo como propósito determinar qué concepción de competencia, de competencia matemática y competencia modelación matemática debe asumirse en contextos de...
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    Langkah dan program untuk memperkokoh ideologi negara berbasis kearifan lokal adalah (1)  melakukan mapping identitas lokal (local identity mapping), (2) internalisasi dan...
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    Esse trabalho tem como objetivo estudar o equipamento de Raios- X e a dose recebida pelos profissionais no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Foi...
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    Designing a vocabulary service for a 'data-driven' materials data repository

    We are developing a new data repository to support data-driven developments in materials science, and it became necessary to build an open vocabulary set to describe metadata...
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    Biological and chemical control of ochratoxigenic fungi in vineyards

    Aspergillus carbonarius is an important plant pathogen that affects the vine cultivation causing sour rot in grapes and producing ochratoxin A (OTA), a mycotoxin with...
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      Supports d'une séance portant sur la bibliographie et l'utilisation de Zotero pour des doctorants de diverses disciplines
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    Preliminary study on the foraminiferal assemblages from the MEDWAVES cruise

    Poster presentation at ATLAS 3rd General Assembly.   A total of 996 foraminiferal specimens corresponding to 23 planktonic species (934 individuals) and 45 benthic species (62...
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    QGIS - A SPARQLing Unicorn? Eine Einführung in Linked Open Geodata zur Integr...

    Die Linked Open Data Cloud bietet seit vielen Jahren große Datenrepositorien im WWW an, die für verschiedene Zwecke von unterschiedlichen Communities genutzt werden können. Die...
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    Termitofauna Associada A Espécies Arbóreas, Localizadas No Jardim Botânico Da...

    O Jardim Botânico da UFRRJ contribui para a conservação da biodiversidade da flora, com destaque para espécies ameaçadas de extinção da Mata Atlântica. No entanto, as árvores...
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    Herramientas de apoyo a la actividad científica

    Esta presentación da un breve resumen de herramientas que apoyan a la actividad científica en pro de la visibilidad y de ajustar a los investigadores a las nuevas dinámicas de...
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    Policy Brief: Strategi E-Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Apakah Masih Relevan?

    Sistem pelayanan kesehatan di Indonesia yang holistik dan mengikuti perkembangan zaman masih menjadi pekerjaan besar yang perlu dibenahi baik oleh Pemerintah maupun masyarakat...
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    Membangun Semangat Nasionalisme Pemuda Posmodern Dengan Spirit Agama Dan Budaya

    Ada lima prinsip nasionalisme dalam semangat dan kejiwaan bangsa: (1) kesatuan (unity) dalam wilayah teritorial, bangsa, bahasa, ideologi, dan doktrin kenegaraan, sistem politik...
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    Mnemosyne, Digital Library for Rare and Forgotten Texts (1868-1936): -Collect...

    The objective of Mnemosyne, Digital Library for Rare and Forgotten Literary Texts (1868-1936) is to select, categorize, and make visible in digital format literary texts that...
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    76Ge detector R&D strategy for LEGEND

    Neutrinoless double decay (0νββ) is a powerful observable for probing new physics. Based on the experience of GERDA and MJD experiments, the LEGEND (Large Enriched Germanium...
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    Nuevas métricas para la Ciencia en la Red

    El alumno sabrá/comprenderá: Introducir al alumno a las diversas posibilidades de comunicación social de la ciencia y la tecnología a través de Internet y plataformas digitales...
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    We show that gravitational wave emission from neutron star binaries can be used to discover any generic long-ranged muonic force due to the large inevitable abundance of muons...