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Licenses: License Not Specified Groups: Datacite Tags: 110309 Infectious Diseases 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified Developmental Biology Genetics

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    Additional file 5: Figure S2. of The gene–treatment interaction of paraoxonas...

    Association of PON1 Q192R polymorphism with FPG, HbA1c, C peptide, and HOMA2-%β after stratified analysis by statin therapy (PS as a covariate). Data are expressed as adjusted...
  • publication

    Additional file 5: of Multiple independent structural dynamic events in the e...

    Table S2. List of taxa used in this study. *: the species were used in Yan et al. [18]. #: the species were used in Chen and Zhao. [19]. (DOC 132 kb)
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    Etomidate decreases adrenal gland apoptosis and necrosis associated with hemo...

    Purpose: Evaluate if etomidate modulates adrenal apoptosis and if this influences the development of critical illness-related corticosteroid insufficiency (CIRCI) in hemorrhagic...
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    Additional file 4: Tables S2a and S2b. of Increased expression of the PI3K ca...

    a, p values of Dunnett’s post hoc analyses of p110δ protein expression analyses of the multiplex family shown in Fig. 5b. b, p values of Dunnett’s post hoc analyses of...
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    Additional file 1: of Prognosis of nonspecific interstitial pneumonia correla...

    Table S1. The prognostic factors study with multivariate analysis. (DOCX 406 kb)
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    Screening of miRNA expression levels. Association between Day −1–PM10 exposure levels and EV-miRNA levels measured by OpenArray. (PDF 1099 kb)
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    Additional file 2: Figure S1. of Phenotypic convergence in bacterial adaptive...

    Expression changes of genes related to (a) arginine, (b) methionine, and (c) histidine biosynthesis pathways in tolerant strains with ethanol stress. Abbreviations: PRPP,...
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    Factors derived from the Categorical Principle Components Analysis (CatPCA) conducted on individual items in each of the following four candidate domains (including proportion...
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    Canonical Pathway enrichment by IPA®. DEGs as detected in the following pairwise comparisons were analyzed by IPA to identify canonical pathways highly represented within each...
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    Additional file 3: of Increased expression of matrix metalloproteinase 3 can ...

    Figure S2. TaqMan qPCR analysis of miR-155 expression in astrocytic culture after IL-1β stimulation. (PDF 89 kb)
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    Identifying predictors of teachers’ intention and willingness to teach about ...

    This study investigated factors influencing teachers’ intention and willingness to teach about cancer in the context of the theory of planned behaviour. Because teaching about...
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    Additional file 1: of Probiotics and infective endocarditis in patients with ...

    Microbiology. Description of methods used to identify the microorganism isolated from blood culture, both by standard microbiology culture and by genetic analysis; minimum...
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    MOESM1 of Predictors of family focused practice: organisation, profession, or...

    Additional file 1: Predictors of Family Focused Practice Behaviours. Tables S1. a-e, with both significant and non-significant predictors.
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    Pairwise microsatellite F ST values between all sampling sites. Sampling sites are indicated by the site abbreviations, and letters from Aâ G indicate GENELAND groups. Colors...
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    Additional file 2 of Molecular detection and phylogenetic analysis of lumpy s...

    Additional file 2. PCR amplification of the LSDV GPCR gene. PCR results showing a 1150 bp fragment of the LSDV GPCR gene. Lane M is a 50 bp molecular ladder (Hyper Ladder,...
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    MOESM4 of Having concomitant asthma phenotypes is common and independently re...

    Additional file 4: Table S3. Weighted percentages and comparisons of asthma-related outcomes among subjects with a single asthma phenotype versus: non-classified, and specific...
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    Additional file 2: of Enhancing delivery of osteoarthritis care in the genera...

    Development of simulated patient scenarios and biographies (a description of their development and a synopsis of the six scenarios developed), and arrangements for undertaking...
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    Supplementary Material. Significant risk factors stratified by level of human development. (DOCX 27 kb)
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    Table S1. Primers for qRT-PCR. (DOCX 15 kb)
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    Additional file 2: of Oral cleanliness in daily users of powered vs. manual t...

    Clinical parameters when all participants are included into analyses. (DOCX 19 kb)