50 items found

Groups: Datacite figshare Tags: 60506 Virology Biotechnology mesheuropmc.parasitic diseases

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    Mouse data

    Counts of adults worms and miracidea of 3 different lines (susceptible, resistant and mixed resistant-susceptible) inside the mouse host exposed to three different treatments:...
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    Quality-trimmed, adapter-trimmed, dereplicated, chimera-filtered and denoised sequences amplified from odonate faecal DNA COI region.
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    Additional file 5: of G-DOC Plus â an integrative bioinformatics platform f...

    Screen shot of G-DOC Plus showing clinical cohort creation. (PNG 424 kb)
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    Column headers correspond to the Wolbachia infection status (Status), the Wolbachia strain (W_strain), the Ct values for FHV and the control fly gene Rpl32 (2 technical...
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    Data on monthly prevalence of any opportunistic infection among HIV positive individuals on HAART in TASO, Uganda (2004-2013). (XLS 34 kb)
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    Niger data

    Data collected from PZQ efficacy study in two Nigerien villages co-endemic for S. haematobium and S. mansoni. Key to variable names is included in second sheet.
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    DNA sequence alignments(COI+COII)

    DNA sequence alignments(COI+COII)
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    Wolbachia screen of Aedes aegypti wMel females from antibiotic trial

    Wolbachia-screening data from female Aedes aegypti infected with wMel (Walker et al. 2011) strain. High Resolution Melt Assay on Roche LightCycler480.
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    Additional file 3: Figure S2. of Schrodingerâ s scat: a critical review of t...

    Duplex nested PCR of and leopard primer with TSP and LSP. Lane1-6: 100Â bp ladder, tiger DNA, leopard DNA, tiger and leopard DNA combined, extraction control, PCR control. (TIF...
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    Wolbachia screen of female Aedes aegypti wMelPop-CLA strain in antibiotic trial

    Wolbachia-screening data from female Aedes aegypti infected with wMelPop-CLA (McMeniman et al. 2009) strain. High Resolution Melt Assay on Roche LightCycler480.
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    Sample sheet for Eurema mandarina

    Sample sheet of Eurema mandarina adults collected in Tanegashima Island, Japan, in 2015. It contains sample codes, date of sampling, sex, latitudes and longitudes of collected...
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    Additional file 2: of A new TaqMan method for the reliable diagnosis of Ehrli...

    Table S1. Comparison of PCRunÂŽ canine Ehrlichia positivity data to the E. canis gltA TaqMan PCR. Both PCRunÂŽ and TaqMan PCR assays assessed 33 genomic DNA extracts isolated...
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    Supplementary Table 1

    Commensal rodent species are key reservoirs for Toxoplasma gondii in the domestic environment. In rodents, different T. gondii strains show variable patterns of virulence...
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    Percent of initially added phenolics recovered at various sampling times. IN- inoculum from invaded soil; OUT- inoculum from non-invaded soil.
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    Supplemental Table 2

    Complete list of proteins identified in adult female Brugia malayi extracellular vesicle (EV) proteome. Proteins extracted from EVs were subject to nano-scale LC-MS/MS. Spectral...
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    Assessment of a multiplex PCR and Nanopore-based method for portable dengue v...

    Multiplex primer sets for amplification of the complete coding region of Indonesian dengue virus.
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    Figure S4. Median ages for children admitted to Kilifi County Hospital. Case definition includes diagnosis by clinician. Median ages of presentation to hospital for specific...
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    Bayesian analysis of the coding region of the Phosphoprotein gene (913 bp) applying the general time reversible substitution model with gamma distribution. Laboratory reference...
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    Additional file 2: of Identification of tick-borne pathogen diversity by meta...

    Figure S1. Experimental confirmation of predicted pathogens of interest predicted by bioinformatics. A), PCR amplification of the H. longicornis ticks to confirm the predicted...
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    These data were used in the GLMM binomial analysis. Data includes "Mosquito ID" (unique mosquito identifier), "Replicate" (biological replicate), "Batch" (mosquito cohort),...