16 items found

Tags: psychology geography

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    Large-scale mobilization of individuals across social networks is becoming increasingly prevalent in society. However, little is known about what affects the speed of social...
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    Model parameters.

    aSpecified with reference to Cook [30] and Waage et al. [36] using distributions defined in Biosecurity Australia [31]; b Derived from Sapoukhina et al. [37]; c ABS [6], Note...
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    aCategories are: adopted the most pro-environmental behaviours (++), adopted slightly fewer (+), adopted much fewer (−) and adopted the fewest (−).
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    Explained inertia by each dimension for group A: Indoor Index, 2007.

    Explained inertia by each dimension for group A: Indoor Index, 2007.
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    Environmental art variables depicted in drawings by children from 22 villages...

    Environmental art variables depicted in drawings by children from 22 villages in Kalimantan.
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    Neighborhood predictors were standardized. Controls for sociodemographics are not shown. Lower ICCs indicate a greater proportion of neighborhood-level variance explained by the...
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    Through the Eyes of Children: Perceptions of Environmental Change in Tropical...

    This study seeks to understand children's perceptions of their present and future environments in the highly biodiverse and rapidly changing landscapes of Kalimantan, Indonesian...
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    Development of Composite Indices to Measure the Adoption of Pro-Environmental...

    ObjectiveThe adoption of pro-environmental behaviours reduces anthropogenic environmental impacts and subsequent human health effects. This study developed composite indices...
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    aCategories are: adopted the most pro-environmental behaviours (++), adopted slightly fewer (+), adopted much fewer (−) and adopted the fewest (−).
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    Ages and numbers of children who participated in drawing surveys in 22 villag...

    *Note: In four of the villages, 39 children participated in both the present and the forest future drawing sessions, however, if a child had already drawn, then he or she only...
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    Note. Income was measured in units of $NZ 10,000. Distance from respondent address to nearest point on coast was scored in 10 km units. Height above sea level was scored in...
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    Coordinates and categories of pro-environmental behaviours for other socio-de...

    aCategories are: adopted the most pro-environmental behaviours (++), adopted slightly fewer (+), adopted much fewer (−) and adopted the fewest (−).
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    Explained inertia by each dimension for group B: Outdoor Index, 2007.
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    Summary of findings.

    Surgery plus physiotherapy vs placebo surgery plus physiotherapy (Pain).
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    *** p<.001, ** p<.01, * p<.05, + p<.1 (two-tailed tests); CCAHS, 2001–03.