11 items found

Tags: predator 110309 Infectious Diseases

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    All vocalizations listed in the table are contact calls unless otherwise noted.
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    Data used in Lilly et al. "Eavesdropping Squirrels Infer Safety from Bird Cha...

    Worksheet 1 provides definitions of variables used in each data set. Worksheet 2 provides data pertaining to squirrel responses to the red-tailed hawk call playbacks used to...
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    Hulthén et al. Proceedings B

    All data, raw and summarized. All analyses were performed in SPSS
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    Strnadová et al. data dryad

    Pair ID identifies particular pair of shrikes, which was confronted with all five intruders. In each pair responses of male and female were scored separately. There were five...
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    Do lethal trap devices threaten foot-hold trap capture efficacy?

    Foot-hold trapping is an important tool used in pest management programs in countries such as Australia, New Zealand and in North America. Research on humane trapping methods...
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    Identifying Risk: Concurrent Overlap of the Antarctic Krill Fishery with Kril...

    Mitigating direct and indirect interactions between marine predators and fisheries is a motivating factor for ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM), especially where...
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    Stable isotope data

    This is a zip file containing three text files, all of which include stable isotope data used in the study. The first is for the dietary comparison between Japan Sea and Pacific...
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    Instrument deployment and recent population change at each study site.

    Number of satellite and archival telemetry deployments on penguins and fur seals during the summer and winter (in parentheses) and population size data during the study period,...
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    Summary of satellite telemetry deployments and temporal coverage of fishing a...

    Average deployment duration and maximum distance from tagging locations were calculated from the entire data set. Total and unique days were calculated only for data within the...
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    Summary of small-scale management units (SSMU) and krill fishing data in the ...

    Map number indicates the SSMU number indicated in Fig 1. Data are ordered based on decreasing number of tows conducted in each SSMU.