123 items found

Tags: Mental health and psychiatry Social psychology

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    Results from five logistic regression models are presented, comparing the atheist target to the gay target for each Moral Foundation violation. The % of conjunction errors in...
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    Prevalence of psychological distress according to sociodemographic variables.
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    Long and short form versions of the YCPS-R and corresponding item numbers.
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    Note. CAG = Hurricane Katrina Community Advisory Group; RISK = Resilience in Survivors of Katrina.
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    Univariate genetic model-fitting: model fit and parameter estimates (95% conf...

    Note. −2LL = twice the negative log-likelihood, the difference between −2LL of two models is subjected to chi-square (χ2) distribution. Two fit indices are reported: change in...
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    Item analysis of CSAS.

    IS-R Item-scale correlation, IS-Rc Corrected correlation item-scale, IT-R Item-test correlation, IT-Rc Corrected correlation item-test, M Mean, SD Standard deviation.
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    Demographic information for the healthy controls, siblings and patients.

    aGroups were compared with an analysis of variance (ANOVA) and did not differ significantly (p = 0.62).bLevel of education was defined according to scoring system of Verhage...
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    Fit indexes for confirmatory factor models.

    Four correlated factors model; χ2 Chi-Square test, df Degrees of freedom, p Probability, RMSEA Root Mean Square Error of Approximation, GFI Goodness of Fit Index, AGFI Adjusted...
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    Negative events reported to have been perpetrated by staff (NES-S) and by service users (NES-P).
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    Summary of conditions including codes related to the experimenter, the experi...

    Summary of conditions including codes related to the experimenter, the experimenter-teacher relation, and the setting.
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    Bivariate association between disaster-related stressors and serious mental i...

    Note. CAG = Hurricane Katrina Community Advisory Group; RISK = Resilience in Survivors of Katrina.
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    aThe block order was counterbalanced across participants with reversed target practice and incongruent combined blocks (practice and test) completed first in half of the...
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    Results emerged by a series of mixed-models.

    AIC and BIC indicate Akaike Information Criterion [33] and Bayesian Information Criterion [34] respectively. Bayes Factor is approximated by formula [35].
  • dataset

    Factor Loadings of Film Genre Preferences (Factors I–V) of Study Participants...

    Note. Factor loadings of film genres as estimated with Mplus. Film genres are sorted with regard to their highest factor loading (printed boldface) and in descending order....
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    File S1 - Everything Is Permitted? People Intuitively Judge Immorality as Rep...

    Contains full stimuli sets, participant demographics, analyses on political affiliations and religiosity, as well as three additional pilot studies. Figure S1, Density plot of...
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    Classification Tree Analyses: Gains Chart.
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    Characteristics of qualitative participants.

    Characteristics of qualitative participants.
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    General characteristics of the total study population, and by gender (N = 3181).
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    aThe reference category is heterosexual males.