9 items found

Tags: Inorganic Chemistry metabolomics

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  • dataset


    Corals and humans represent two extremely disparate metazoan lineages and are therefore useful for comparative evolutionary studies. Two lipid-based molecules that are central...
  • dataset


    Dataset 1 consists of animal signalment, survival and pathogen infection intensity data from the animals in Experiment A. These data are contained in Dataset 1, as a single...
  • dataset

    Gene expression data

    Typical example of the gene expression data obtained from microarray experiments. Each number represents the change (increase or decrease) of the gene expression level of the...
  • dataset

    fluorescence images and data

    zipped archive of fluorescence data at different time points and excel files listing data, fitting and calculations of point spread functions
  • software


    massypup64 is a linux live system for mass spectrometry data analysis, workflows and data mining.
  • dataset


    Tabular data. Animal ID, intervention group, time under hypoxia, time to ROSC.
  • dataset


    Survival and reproduction data of Physella acuta exposed in copper spiked microcosms
  • dataset

    Raw CDF files, sample information, code to process them

    This is a zipped directory. Once unzipped, it has the following directory structure: Neg (directory), Pos (directory), DMD_Metabolomics_samples_files.csv, process_data.R . The...
  • dataset

    Raw data for the targeted lipidomics study

    This data is at metabolomics workbench. Accession number ST001124. http://www.metabolomicsworkbench.org