73 items found

Tags: Human genetics genetics

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    Demographic data

    **P<0.01; SD, standard deviation; Max/Min, maximal/minimal.The number of participants did not differ between genders (Chi-square P>0.05). The dancer and pianist groups...
  • dataset

    Univariate genetic model-fitting: model fit and parameter estimates (95% conf...

    Note. −2LL = twice the negative log-likelihood, the difference between −2LL of two models is subjected to chi-square (χ2) distribution. Two fit indices are reported: change in...
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    Top 15 SNPs identified in the meta-analysis.

    Top 15 SNPs identified in the meta-analysis.
  • dataset

    Patient and tumor characteristics.

    Abbreviations: KPS, Karnofsky Performance Status; W, Working; NW, Not working; RPA, Recursive Partitioning Analysis; RT, Radiation Therapy. Patient demographics, treatment...
  • dataset


    Three different mixture interpretation methods were used, TrueAllele, CPI and mCPI. Over the sample space of possible allele pairs, each method has a likelihood function and...
  • dataset

    Characteristics of the chronic physical aggression (CPA) group and control gr...

    include mother and father occupational score, familial status (monoparental vs biparental), mother and father at birth of first child and the years of schooling of the mother...
  • dataset

    Linearized F<sub>ST</sub> distances between Mauritius and the different South...

    Linearized FST distances between Mauritius and the different South Asian sub-regions (MAU  =  Mauritius; PWI  =  Pakistan and West India; SWI  =  Southwest India; NI  =  North...
  • dataset

    Table showing the details of multiplex primers and SBE probes used in the Ame...

    SBE probes in reverse direction are shown in Italics. hg haplogroup; conc. concentration; bp base pairs; nt nucleotides.
  • dataset

    Characteristics of studies included in meta-analysis.

    a Patients without a clearly definable provoking factor b 2.5 or 5 mg BID c Months d Percentage of recurrent thromboembolic events that are PE e Months of follow-up after...
  • dataset

    Standardised parameter estimates (with 95% confidence intervals) from the cor...

    The heritability (g2) and unique environmental variances (e2) are indicated as bold along the diagonal. The genetic and unique environmental correlations (and 95% confidence...
  • dataset

    File S1 - A Genome Wide Association Study of Mathematical Ability Reveals an ...

    This file contains Table S1 and Table S2. Table S1 provides the results of the sex-stratified analyses for the pooling stage. Table S2 provides the list of SNPs used to assess...
  • dataset

    Mean sex differences on psychotic experiences.

    Note. M = Mean; SD = standard deviations; df = degrees of freedom. Raw scores provided. Paranoia, Hallucinations, Grandiosity and Parent-rated Negative Symptoms were transformed...
  • dataset

    Model fitting results for Trust-in-Others (upper part) and Trust-in-Self (low...

    Notes: −2LL = minus 2 log likelihood; par = number of estimated parameters; cs = number of constraints in the model, χ2 = Chi square (difference in −2LL); Δdf = difference in...
  • dataset


    See also Figure 2B. F: female, M: male, VMI: Visuo-Motor Integration, JLO: Judgement of Line Orientation, ss: standard score, crps: raw score adjusted for age and gender, raw:...
  • dataset

    Specificity results (ban) for TrueAllele mixture interpretation log(LR) value...

    The average exclusionary LR value was around one over a billion billion. Very few false positives were seen in over three million genotype comparisons.
  • dataset

    Basic Characteristics of the Studied Samples.

    Notes: Data were presented as mean (SD). Abbreviations: QFS, Quebec Family Study; OOS, Omaha osteoporosis study; KCOS, Kansas-city osteoporosis study; COS, China osteoporosis...
  • dataset

    Paired comparisons for positive log(LR) values between TrueAllele (TA) and CPI.

    Significance tests were done for means (Student t) and medians (Wilcoxon signed rank W). Correlation coefficients (r) and coefficient of determinations (r2) are shown....
  • dataset


    The TrueAllele method preserved more identification information (mean) over a broader range (minimum, maximum) than the two inclusion methods, and produced more inclusions and...
  • dataset

    Characteristics of study subjects.

    JA-1, first-generation Japanese-Americans; JA-2, second- or later-generation Japanese-Americans; BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure; 2-h, two-hour post-load; HOMA-IR,...