119 items found

Tags: Holocene North America

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  • dataset

    Specimen Data Spreadsheet for PLos One

    This Excel spreadsheet gives the raw data for the morphology measurements and mechanical testing measurement.
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    Reference sequences for ancient-2

    Reference sequences for sample ancient-2. Use with file 'Alignment of merged reads for ancient-2'.
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    De-multiplexing Functions

    Functions in R for de-multiplexing (assigning sample identify for each read using the sequence barcode at the beginning of the read) the raw sequencing data. The raw data itself...
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    Data for Royal Society Open Science: Assessing costs of carrying geolocators ...

    Corticosterone data from feathers collected from tree swallows and barn swallows in North America and Europe in relation to instrumentation with a light-level geolocator,...
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    Marchini and Rolian - Longshanks Growth Raw Data

    Raw data for mechanisms of comparative limb elongation in wildtype and artificially selected mice. Contains three sheets (Gompertz growth data, histomorphometric data, BrDU...
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    Wood Duck laying sequence

    Comma delimited file used to examine effects of incubation temperature and egg laying sequence of wood ducks (Aix sponsa) on length of the incubation period and body condition...
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    This is the primary data file for the fitness competitions of each individual population against the oppositely-marked ancestor for as many of the 50,000 generations as could be...
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    FASTQ file containing filtered, de-mulitplexed, and collapsed HiSeq (Illumina) sequencing reads corresponding to the Tayassu pecari enriched genomic library. See main...
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    Territoriality information of Libellulidae dragonflies

    This file contains information on whether a species is territorial or non-territorial (see main text for more information).
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    STRUCTURE input file for modern populations
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    Dataset of tooth microwear patterns in large samples of 10 extant ungulate populations with good records of the date and conditions of death.
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    CCSM3 NA Climates 22ka-0ka, TIFS

    Downscaled and debiased paleoclimatic simulations from CCSM3 (Liu et al. 2009). Downscaled to 0.5deg lat/lon and 500-year resolution for North America for 22,000 years ago to...
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    GIS Layers of Pollen Functional Groups in North America
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    Trichomalopsis GC-MS raw data

    CSV files containing information on the GC-MS data (GC: 7890A; MS: 5975C; Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, Germany) for the Trichomalopsis outgroup samples, obtained with...
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    BLAST assignment data for museum-2

    Unfiltered BLAST assignment file of contigs identified during the metagenomic analysis of sample museum-2. Use with 'Contig data for museum-2' in MEGAN v4.70. See attached...
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    Supplementary Table

    Supplementary Table 1:  Characteristics of the mitochondrial genome of two syntopic specimens of Arremon aurantiirostris from Panama (GMS 1179 and GMS 1180). Parenthetical...
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    Standarized distance matrices (Genetic, SST and geographic distance) used for Mantel test, Partial mantel test and MMRR
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    Voucher Specimen Data

    Source museums and identification numbers for all museum specimens used in study. Museum samples from the Royal British Columbia Museum (RBCM), University of British Columbia...