204 items found

Tags: Genetics Population Genetics - Empirical

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  • dataset

    mtDNA alignment

    Mitochondrial (COI) alignment of Parasemia plantains used in the paper "Temporal relationship between genetic and warning signal variation in the aposematic wood tiger moth...
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    Genotypes of the fish sampled: ID(A:fry ; P:anadromous)type(fry/anadromous); sex of the anadromous fish; father and mother assigned to each fry. " * " corresponds to precocious...
  • dataset

    Structure infile

    File contains input data file for Structure analysis. In first column is sample ID (nz=New Zealand, uk=United Kingdom, mc=Macreas flat, t=Twizel, ml=Molesworth, p=Palemrston, A=...
  • dataset


    Table that contains tarsus length phenotypes (3 columns). Ind_ID: identifier of the individual; Tarsus: tarsus length in mm; Sex: sex of the individual (0 = female, 1 = male).
  • dataset

    Pairwise FST Table

    Pairwise population FST calculated by hierfstat. FST values are represented between each cluster (k=3), globally between populations, and between populations within each genetic...
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    the list of samples analyses in the paper with relevant accession codes
  • dataset


    Data from Table 2. Alpha estimate for three introgressed P. balsamifera regions in P. trichocarpa, one in chromosome (Chr) 06 (region A) and two in chromosome 15 (B and C).
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    Genetic data simulated under 27 different scenarios
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    Microsatellite data for individuals included in parentage analysis.
  • dataset

    Sex chromosome analysis

    This compressed directory contains the infiles and R script for the analysis to determine if SNPs associated with parallelism between melissa-east and melissa-west populations...
  • dataset


    Genetic distance (FST/(1- FST)) versus geographic distance is plotted for all pairwise comparisons among populations of G. f. fuscipes in northern (A) or southern (B) Uganda. In...
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    Stegodyphus africanus .alleles file
  • dataset


    this folder contains the raw Miseq data for the wells F12 to H12 (two fastq files per well, read 1 and read 2). each well corresponds to 3 individuals, for which 38 markers were...
  • dataset

    Female headless body images of Drosophila melanogaster_DGRP (RAL-799)

    Female headless body images of Drosophila melanogaster_DGRP (RAL-799)
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    This is a tab-delimited text file containing the nuclear marker genotypes at 9 microsatellite markers and 3 coding genes for 409 Radix snails from the core and extended...
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    Text file containing SNP information for the mouse data in msms format (80kb)
  • dataset

    SNP FST file

    This is the pairwise fst output for individual snps. The non-informative sites have been suppressed, so all the rows are the SNPs that meet the coverage criteria. the columns...
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    D. melanogaster median Fst and latitude

    D. melanogaster Fst values for pair-wise population comparisons and the latitude of each population. The analysis of isolation by distance used the median Fst (median.Fst) and...
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    CCA Script

    R script for performing canonical correspondence analysis for environmental data and Structure cluster membership
  • dataset


    quality trimmed RNAseq reads: United Kingdom, 'crab' ecotype, sample 1, reverse reads