28 items found

Tags: Evolutionary Biology Holocene USA

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  • dataset


    The table shows the number of aggressive events by focal Hypsophrys nicaraguensis territory owners. The ID of the territory, sex of each focal individual, stimulus type, order...
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    Raw eXpress (http://bio.math.berkeley.edu/eXpress/) results file for sample HNC_31, named as in Chu et al. 2014. Gene expression data is from Nucella lapillus collected near...
  • dataset


    This is an ArcGIS shapefile containing polygons describing the sampling locations (populations of desert bighorn sheep) at both time periods. Two letter codes and population...
  • dataset


    Raw eXpress (http://bio.math.berkeley.edu/eXpress/) results file for sample HNC_37, named as in Chu et al. 2014. Gene expression data is from Nucella lapillus collected near...
  • dataset

    Lau 2006 Field reciprocal transplant

    Please see associated README file. These data were originally presented in J. A. Lau. 2006. Evolutionary responses of native plants to novel community members. Evolution...
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    Genotype data

    The TalentiEtAl_2017.ped file contains the unphased genotype data for all the 929 animals described in the paper: "Genomic analysis suggests KITLG is responsible for a roan...
  • dataset

    Express Results File AC_008

    Raw eXpress (http://bio.math.berkeley.edu/eXpress/) results file for sample AC_006, named as in Chu et al. 2014. Gene expression data is from Nucella lapillus collected near...
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    Sample metadata

    Microbiome sample metadata. "SampleID" = unique identifier for a sequenced 16S rDNA amplicon pool corresponding to a single sample. "Name" = more descriptive unique sample name....
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    Many bird species have the ability to navigate home after being brought to a remote, even unfamiliar location. Environmental odours have been demonstrated to be critical to...
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    This data comes primarily from the Columbia River DART database managed by the University of Washington (http://www.cbr.washington.edu/dart/dart.html). Column headings: Y=Year...
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    Environmental variables

    Values of the physicochemical variables and the biotic indices -IBMWP (Iberian Biological Monitoring Working Party) and IMMi-T (Iberian Mediterranean Multimetric Index)- used to...
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    Siepielski et al selection experiment data

    This data file contains the treatments and results of the experiment to quantify phenotypic selection by Anax dragonflies on Ischnura cervula damselflies. Treatments refer to no...
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    Fecundity Data

    Spreadsheet "Fecundity" contains the results of the fecundity assay. The aphids used in this experiment either contained no known secondary symbionts or were artificially...
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    The file contains a metadata spreadsheet that provides detailed information about samples and another zip file that contains a fasta formatted sequence file for each sample in...
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    This comma-delimited file provides information for 144 primers that were screened the Port-Orford populations. Included are the primer name, forward and reverse primer sequence,...
  • dataset


    This dataset contains 4 columns, including “colonyID”, “ctmax”, “generation”, and “population”. Each row of the dataset represents the response of an individual worker acorn...
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    Express Parameters File HNC_31

    Raw eXpress (http://bio.math.berkeley.edu/eXpress/) parameters file for sample HNC_31, named as in Chu et al. 2014. Gene expression data is from Nucella lapillus collected near...
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    Longitudinal data of beetle weight through time. Individuals identified by solitary treatment or by group and leg modification (e.g., G1LMT would indicate a beetle from group 1...
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    Willow stem height through time

    Stem height data is a matrix of log(height) in cm HeightTime.csv. The first column lists years, and each subsequent column has height data for an individual numbered stem....
  • dataset


    Data set with life history data for all individuals included in the main study. The data set includes adult and larval treatment and measured values for choosiness, fecundity,...