65 items found

Tags: Evolutionary Biology Genetics Inorganic Chemistry North America

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  • dataset


    NEXUS file containing total concatenated mDNA, rDNA & nDNA and PAUP* 4.0 analysis commands from Jackson et al. ISE
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    We measured larval mortality for S. droebachiensis at 3 different temperatures (3, 10 and 21 °C) reared in 4-l culture jars (n = 3). Temperatures in the jars were maintained...
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    The community data files are bat abundance/absence matrices for the family Vespertilionidae and the genus Myotis. Community data for all bat taxa can be found at...
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    This file contains data from the paper "Local selection underlies the geographic distribution of sex-ratio drive in Drosophila neotestacea." These data are the microsatellite...
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    Tar ball of genome .fq files of Mustela erminea (N=10)

    Tar ball of genome ,fq files of Mustela erminea, representing specimens from Museum of Southwestern Biology (MSB) with catalog number: 152905 (ME01), 221783 (ME02), 199855...
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    selection data

    Data file containing measurements of selection gradients and differentials
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    Data from the ancestral state estimation analysis to detect convergent evolution of host associations.
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    Contains files needed to replicate the ancestral state estimation analysis from the associated R script (R_code_for_analysis.R)
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    The DNA sequence file is in FASTA format. The file includes 18 aligned mtDNA cytochrome b sequences generated from Blueface Darter samples used in this study (samples with...
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    Occurrence data.

    Number of specimens of each species observed at locality stations TU 1422, 1215, and 1354. Counts include specimens questionably assigned to a given taxon. Total numbers of...
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    BLAST assignment data for museum-2

    Unfiltered BLAST assignment file of contigs identified during the metagenomic analysis of sample museum-2. Use with 'Contig data for museum-2' in MEGAN v4.70. See attached...
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    Supplementary Table

    Supplementary Table 1:  Characteristics of the mitochondrial genome of two syntopic specimens of Arremon aurantiirostris from Panama (GMS 1179 and GMS 1180). Parenthetical...
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    Standarized distance matrices (Genetic, SST and geographic distance) used for Mantel test, Partial mantel test and MMRR
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    BLAST assignment data for modern-1

    Unfiltered BLAST assignment file of contigs identified during the metagenomic analysis of sample modern-1. Use with 'Contig data for modern-1' in MEGAN v4.70. See attached...
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    Sample metadata

    Microbiome sample metadata. "SampleID" = unique identifier for a sequenced 16S rDNA amplicon pool corresponding to a single sample. "Name" = more descriptive unique sample name....
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    Dataset S1. All data used for modeling in this study.

    All datasets used for modeling in this study, including: (1) the full GLOPNET dataset with missing data, (2) GLOPNET complete cases, (3) GLOPNET complete cases for rosids, (3)...
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    Supp Table 2 Differentially methylated gene regions in the initial tumor vs first recurrence.  Abbreviations: gene_assoc: genes IDs; hg19coord: human genome coordinate;...
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    Results of principal component analysis.

    Loadings, eigenvalues and cumulative amount of variation explained by four of the components (PC's) obtained from a PCA analysis using the log-transformed volume or the relative...
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    Contains list of all polymorphic genes in H. debilis - H. petiolaris species pairs and dn, ds, dn/ds values.
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    Supplementary Data 1

    Supplementary Data 1. Raw fossil data. Repository and Specimen indicate the collection in which specimen is held and its specimen number. Family, Subfamily, Tribe, Genus, and...