14 items found

Tags: Economics Organizational Behavioral Psychology

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    I'll do this after I wake-up, not meaning that I'm not awake, only that I shouldn't be. Clearly.
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    Open Science logo (.tif) Builds on Open Source logo by David Gerard (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:David_Gerard) from...
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    Open Science logo

    Open Science logo Builds on Open Source logo by David Gerard (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:David_Gerard) from...
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    Open Science Peer Review Oath

    The oath is a simple checklist to use when reviewing or considering a review request. We recommend that reviewers add a link to this oath at the top of each review as they...
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    zeno: Before you get the whole truth, you have to get the half truth. But, if you chase that poppycock down the rabbit hole, you'll find you can't get any truth. The model: Open...
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    I promise to provide an adequate description for this after I wake-up, not meaning that I'm not awake, only that I shouldn't be. Clearly.
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    Drug Addiction (Lecture Slides)

    More information: Ramirez, Jorge H; Langan, Michael (2014): Drug testing database. figshare.http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1270272 Ramirez, Jorge H (2014): Debate sobre...
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    Open Science logo (.png) Builds on Open Source logo by David Gerard (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:David_Gerard) from...
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    zeno: Before you get the whole truth, you have to get the half truth. But, if you chase that poppycock down the rabbit hole, you'll find you can't get any truth. The model: Open...
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    I'll do this after I wake-up, not meaning that I'm not awake, only that I shouldn't be. Clearly.
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    Über fehlerhafte "Konstruktionen" in Wissenschaft und Technik

    Konstruktionen bezeichnen einerseits – von Menschen hervorgebrachte (ein Produkt menschlichen Denkens darstellende) – Vorstellungen, in Form von Thesen, Modellen und Theorien...
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    zeno: Before you get the whole truth, you have to get the half truth. But, if you chase that poppycock down the rabbit hole, you'll find you can't get any truth. The model: Open...
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    zeno: Before you get the whole truth, you have to get the half truth. But, if you chase that poppycock down the rabbit hole, you'll find you can't get any truth. The model: Open...
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    Drug Addiction (Lecture Slides)

    More information: Ramirez, Jorge H; Langan, Michael (2014): Drug testing database. figshare.http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1270272   Ramirez, Jorge H (2014): Debate...