157 items found

Tags: Ecological Genetics Evolutionary Biology

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  • dataset


    Tarsus length, body size and digit ratio data used for the initial linkage analysis. A detailed description of the file is in the README.
  • dataset


    This .mts file was generated in MEGA 5 and may be opened in MEGA 5. To open in MEGA 6, export the tree to a .nwk file in MEGA 5 and open the .nwk file in MEGA 6.
  • dataset


    Data from Table 2. Alpha estimate for three introgressed P. balsamifera regions in P. trichocarpa, one in chromosome (Chr) 06 (region A) and two in chromosome 15 (B and C).
  • dataset

    Female headless body images of Drosophila melanogaster_DGRP (RAL-799)

    Female headless body images of Drosophila melanogaster_DGRP (RAL-799)
  • dataset


    This .mts file was generated in MEGA 5 and may be opened in MEGA 5. To open in MEGA 6, export the tree to a .nwk file in MEGA 5 and open the .nwk file in MEGA 6.
  • dataset


    Text file containing SNP information for the mouse data in msms format (80kb)
  • dataset


    Genotypes for European lines of A. thaliana (Chromosome 1) genotyped at a density of one SNP per kb. These data are used in our tutorial example 2 and supplementary file 2. Data...
  • dataset


    Cuffdiff results file; Differential expression of all pooled organ genes between 5 male and 5 female blue tits
  • dataset

    Handling time, PCR success, Sequence success, and Target sequence success data

    Handling time, PCR success, sequence success, and target sequence success for chironomid pupal exuviae samples.
  • dataset

    SNP FST file

    This is the pairwise fst output for individual snps. The non-informative sites have been suppressed, so all the rows are the SNPs that meet the coverage criteria. the columns...
  • dataset


    File includes inputs and outputs of the MKprf tests (Bustamante et al. 2002).
  • dataset

    D. melanogaster median Fst and latitude

    D. melanogaster Fst values for pair-wise population comparisons and the latitude of each population. The analysis of isolation by distance used the median Fst (median.Fst) and...
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    GenBank accession numbers for each submitted sequence
  • dataset

    Tajima and Nucleotide Diversity estimates

    Data for Figure 2, Figure 4 Supporting Information (Tajimas' D) and Figure 7 Supporting Information (Nucleotide diversity).
  • dataset


    This file contains genotypes for all 12 collections tested in the ms as well as related data such as GenePop files and raw data used to generate figures.
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    Data for associations between SNPs and FEC in senescent-aged individuals
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    Environmental data for the polygenic RDA analysis
  • dataset

    Information on SNPs identified from transcriptome data (vcf file)

    SNPs identified from transcriptome alignment files in variant call format. SNPs were identified using GATK. Parameters and filters for calling SNPs are listed in header....
  • dataset


    Steps 1 and 2 are accomplished by running 1_2_create_datasets.sh for the zebra finch dataset.
  • dataset

    Alternative splice events identified in Peromyscus leucopus transcriptome

    This FASTA file contains two sequences for each alternative splicing sequence, labeled as upper and lower splice, that was identified in the Peromyscus leucopus transcriptome.