8 items found

Tags: Bibliometrics Publication practices text mining

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    + In each cell the upper figure is for all journals and the lower figure is for journals with at least 10 articles tested. * Ratio of successes to failures significantly...
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    File S1 - Database Citation in Full Text Biomedical Articles

    Journal based analysis of the OA-PMC articles. This file presents distribution of the articles as well as the publisher-annotated articles based on the journals in the OA-PMC...
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    Significant at p = 0.05, * Significant at p = 0.01; both Bonferroni corrected for n = 11.
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    Articles are only compared against other articles from the same journal. Ratio significantly different from 0.5 at p = 0.05, *Significant at p = 0.01; Bonferroni corrected for...
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    The percentage of publicly available scholarly documents found in Google Scholar.
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    Patterns are separated by the “;” sign.
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    The estimated number of documents on the web for each field.
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    Total number of Annotations =  Publisher-annotated + text-mined.*This is the number of records in the curated component of UniProt.