6 items found

Tags: ACM.GeneralLiterature_MISCELLANEOUS Medicine Microbiology Science Policy Sociology

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  • dataset

    OTU table for blanks

    Blanks were run on separate sequencing run. This file is the OTU table for the blanks including their annotation based on the same criteria outlined in the manuscript.
  • dataset


    Viral quasispecies refers to a population structure that consists of extremely large numbers of variant genomes, termed mutant spectra, mutant swarms or mutant clouds. Fueled by...
  • dataset

    Dunstans Cave, two birds, exit in darkness

    .wav file, top microphone
  • publication

    Key Issues in the Digital Research Infrastructure Landscape

    Presentation on digital research infrastructure in Canada for the Canadian Colleges, Institutes & Polytechnics Research Data Management Workshop.
  • publication

    Additional file 2 of Enablers of psychosocial recovery in pediatric burns: pe...

    Additional file 2:. Child and Adolescent Focus Group Discussion Interview Schedule
  • publication


    Additional file 3:. Parent and Legal Guardian Focus Group Discussion Interview Schedule