70 items found

Tags: ACM.Data_FILES Pharmacology Space Science

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  • dataset


    This file contains all the analysis files except raw Illumina data (available as a separate file) and raw Oxford Nanopore read in FAST5 format. As FAST5 files require Oxford...
  • dataset

    Select and resequence data package

    This zipped set of files includes all intermediate data sets and major scripts used to create the results and figures in the paper. See Readme file for additional info.
  • dataset


    The data set contains the raw experiment data, parsed values and basic reports for the experiments in the paper. For each experiment there are two directories. The...
  • dataset


    ToothMorph is a zipped directory which includes all code, csv files, data matrices, and analyses used in this manuscript. Details are included in a readme file within this...
  • dataset


    This Excel file contains all of the supplemental tables and table captions.
  • dataset

    Experimental data from the paper "Saturated Cost Partitioning for Optimal Cla...

    This data set contains the raw experiment data, parsed values and basic reports for the experiments in the paper. For each experiment there are two directories. The...
  • dataset

    Annotated seedhead images

    Zip file containing multiple Powerpoint files, each containing images of sunflower heads with parastichies overlaid and counted
  • dataset


    The zip file contains 5 data files (described in detail in the README text file). These include the raw tracked points (in the x- and y-directions) for hawkmoth and flower...
  • dataset


    pDNA sequence file in nexus format. See description in ReadMe file.
  • dataset

    MOESM6 of Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) annotations illuminate maize genetic...

    Additional file 6 R-Markdown file including script and results of MeSH and GO analysis on a random set of 1500 maize genes.
  • dataset

    Additional file 7: of Image analysis driven single-cell analytics for systems...

    Contains for each dataset the segmentation results of each method (.tif images) and corresponding parameterization files (.mat files). (ZIP 62299 kb)
  • dataset

    Read files for all experiments

    Read files for all experiments and all markers targeted
  • dataset


    Contains the scripts needed to perform the simulations with ABCtoolbox and fastsimcoal for the ABC analysis, and the reference tables for each simulated model. ReadMe files are...
  • dataset

    Eight files for eight analyses

    There are 8 sheets in this excel file, one for each analysis performed. The ReadMe file details the variables.
  • dataset


    Additional file 1: Appendix S1. List of the file names we used in the experiment. This file can be opened in the Microsoft Excel 2010.
  • dataset


    The communication and storage costs comparison.
  • dataset

    all result trees

    All result trees from analysis including: summary files of all trees, and R-out files from each analysis.