23 items found

Tags: 80699 Information Systems not elsewhere classified Inorganic Chemistry predation

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  • dataset

    Site-level environmental and morphometric data

    Data for the model selection analysis.
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    Data used for statistical analyses
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    This file contains recapture data for individual enclosure replicates. For each enclosure replicate, data are included on when the trial was run, which enclosure the trial was...
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    Linear measurements and Repair scar data

    This file contains linear measurements and repair scar data for specimens not used in predation experiments.
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    We measured larval mortality for S. droebachiensis at 3 different temperatures (3, 10 and 21 °C) reared in 4-l culture jars (n = 3). Temperatures in the jars were maintained...
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    Data Mass change

    Body mass data at first capture and second capture in females that did not abandoned.
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    Glucocorticoid data field Glis glis females

    field data, Glis glis females, glucocorticoids, animal parameters and environmental factors
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    Supplementary Table

    Supplementary Table 1:  Characteristics of the mitochondrial genome of two syntopic specimens of Arremon aurantiirostris from Panama (GMS 1179 and GMS 1180). Parenthetical...
  • dataset

    zip archive of Kagaya_Patek_2015JEB_dataset_and_scripts

    The zip archive contains one R image file and three R scripts. The R image file contains all R objects including data and function objects. The paper's DOI is, 10.1242/jeb.130518.
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    Realization of survivorship (% of the initial cohort) in laboratory rearing of postdiapause spruce budworm samples from Plot 1. Year is calender year and Date, ordinal date.
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    Genetic data

    This zip contains our genetic data (8 microsatellites) for our nematode populations in a Fstat format. Each file correspond to one population (the name of the file),with the...
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    Data and analysis code for Miller & Dowd 2019

    Zipped archive contains data and analysis code. Detailed descriptions of available files can be found in the README.md file contained in the archive.
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    Cleaned data for analysing productivity trends

    Cleaned data for analysing productivity trends
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    Figure 2 Data

    Climate data shown in figure 2. The columns present 1) site name, 2) country (CH = Swizerland, IT = Italy), 3) site elevation, 3) site longitude, 4) site latitude, 5) mean July...
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    4_Controls Hare Live trap data Kluane

    The detailed demographic data for snowshoe hares on the control grids by capture date over all the years of study and all the grids that were controls.
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    Data for intrapopulation analysis
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    Experimental data

    Experimental data used in the following research paper, which presents a minimally invasive wearable muscle sensing device consisting of jogging leggings, with embroidered...
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    This file contains the primary data underlying the analyses described in the published article. The first tab of the file includes explanation of the variables (columns) in the...