755 items found

Tags: 80699 Information Systems not elsewhere classified Evolutionary Biology Genetics Plant Biology

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    MAP file with data on genetic markers: NordicDogs_4mars2014.map
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    The eight bioclim variables used in this study.

    Abbreviation, full name, minimum and maximum values of the occurrence records from the target sampling (TS), and natural history collections and literature (NHC) dataset. The...
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    This dataset is named MSBin which stands for MultiSpectral Document Binarization. The dataset is dedicated to the (document image) binarization of multispectral images. A ReadMe...
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    Underlying data for the paper Nickschick, T., Flechsig, C., Mrlina, J., Oppermann, F., Löbig, F. & Günther, T. (2019): Large-scale electrical resistivity...
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    T1D map

    For each marker, this simple text file gives the name, the chromosome, and the chromosome-specific location. The order of the markers in this file, corresponds to the order of...
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    mtDNA alignment

    Mitochondrial (COI) alignment of Parasemia plantains used in the paper "Temporal relationship between genetic and warning signal variation in the aposematic wood tiger moth...
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    Supplementary Data: "Challenges In Automated High-Throughput Ab Initio Thermo...

    These supplementary data contain input and output files of EMTO density-functional theory (DFT) calculations and IPython/Jupyter notebooks that were used in analyzing the...
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    To subscribe to/unsubscribe from this newsletter, please visit: https://lists.dkrz.de/mailman/listinfo/esiwace-external You find further details on ESiWACE at www.esiwace.eu....
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    In many disciplines, data are highly decentralized across thousands of online databases (repositories, registries, and knowledgebases). Wringing value from such databases...
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    Setaria Morphological Character Measurements

    This file contains all morphological measurements of Setaria pumila, S. faberi, and S. viridis, used in principal components analyses for the publication. The characters...
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    Spatial distribution of random velocity inhomogeneities in the southern Aegea...

    This dataset contains supplementary files uploaded as part of the above journal article. 5 sub-datasets have been uploaded separately. The first sub-dataset contains the peak...
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    NEXUS file containing total concatenated mDNA, rDNA & nDNA and PAUP* 4.0 analysis commands from Jackson et al. ISE
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    Code, data and results for manuscript "A parsimonious empirical approach to s...

    This repository hosts the supplementary materials associated with the paper: > Delforge, D., Muñoz-Carpena, R., Van Camp, M. Vanclooster, M. (2020), A parsimonious...
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    Romans français du dix-neuvième siècle

    This is a text collection prepared for use with the TXM text analysis tool (http://textometrie.ens-lyon.fr/). The collection contains a selection of adventure, crime...
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    The table shows the number of aggressive events by focal Hypsophrys nicaraguensis territory owners. The ID of the territory, sex of each focal individual, stimulus type, order...
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    Fast and accurate large multiple sequence alignments with a root-to-leaf regr...

    This dataset contains a GitHub repository containing all the data, analysis, Nextflow workflows and Jupyter notebooks to replicate the manuscript titled "Fast and...
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    Lanchester law testing (Rmd)

    R Markdown file with code for data clean-up, data preparation, and data analysis, used to conduct all the analyses reported in the manuscript and the supplement and to generate...
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    Additional file 4: File S3. of MicroRNA categorization using sequence motifs ...

    PhyloXML formatted phylogenetic tree: This file can be directly uploaded to Itol or other phylogenetic tree viewers for further analysis. (TXT 7Â kb)
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    Additional file 2: Table S1. of Altools: a user friendly NGS data analyser

    Sequence read archive (SRA) experiments for A. thaliana accessions Bur0 and Tsu1 available at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra. (DOC 209 kb)
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    MOESM2 of Normal transcription of cellulolytic enzyme genes relies on the bal...

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. Saturation analysis of the depth of sequencing data. X-axis showed the number of clean reads, whose extreme value was the current volume of...