388 items found

Tags: 80699 Information Systems not elsewhere classified Biochemistry Computational Biology

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  • dataset


    List of 382 SRSF1-regulated cassette exons determined by exon arrays (cassette exons tab) and list of SRSF1-regulated cassette exons with SRSF1-clip-tags CLIP tag over casette...
  • dataset

    Supp_Table3: Model fitting: detailed models

    Supp_Table3: Model fitting: detailed models
  • dataset

    Fast Ion Transport in the Quasi-Single Helical Reversed-Field Pinch Raw Figur...

    The raw figure data is in a .xls or .xslx file. Each figure or sub-figure is denoted by sheet title in the .xls file. For 2D data plots, the data for the x-array, y-array,...
  • dataset

    Mouse data

    Counts of adults worms and miracidea of 3 different lines (susceptible, resistant and mixed resistant-susceptible) inside the mouse host exposed to three different treatments:...
  • dataset

    Visualization 1: Faster and less phototoxic 3D fluorescence microscopy using ...

    Supplementary movie 1: reconstruction of fluorescent beads acquired with a LLSM (movie along the y dimension) Originally published in Optics Express on 12 June 2017...
  • dataset

    Study dataset.

    Compliance with NPG checklist items: data dictionary available in project space. In version 2, 7 errors from the previous version at database lock (publication date for PMID...
  • dataset

    Metadata for Historical Corpora. Realization of the Metamodel for Corpus Meta...

    TEI ODD Customization for the documentation of historical corpora: The TEI ODD customizations map the Metamodel for Corpus Metadata (MCM) to a TEI p5 header structure for each...
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    Demographic data

    **P<0.01; SD, standard deviation; Max/Min, maximal/minimal.The number of participants did not differ between genders (Chi-square P>0.05). The dancer and pianist groups...
  • dataset

    Software For "Homeostasis, Environmental Tracking And Phenotypic Plasticity. ...

    Mathematica and Pagmo C++ code for article "Homeostasis, environmental tracking and phenotypic plasticity. I. A robust control theory approach to evolutionary design...
  • dataset

    CT image volume, gray values and pore structure parameters of hydrate formati...

    The dataset consists of CT raw volume and gray values of hydrate formation (hydrate saturation 0, 14%, 35% and 51%), methane hydrate growth pattern, and the pore structure...
  • dataset

    Data used for the analysis.

    Readable table containing all the density estimates used in this study, the results of the Ising model, the signal strength index (SSI) for each image, the age of each subject...
  • dataset

    Additional file 3: of Exome analysis of carotid body tumor

    List of evaluated potentially driver mutations and their detailed description. (XLSX 22Â kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 13: of Some data quality issues at ClinicalTrials.gov

    Data with real persons. The data (71,359 records from Additional file 12: Table S10) were sorted into a “Person” sheet with the records that had the names of real people in the...
  • dataset

    MOESM1 of Modulation of posterior intestinal mucosal proteome in rainbow trou...

    Additional file 1. Ion library. Text file based on IDA runs (independent data acquisition) of the intestine samples used for data interpretation of SWATH acquisitions obtained...
  • dataset


    The transient titanium alkylidyne complex (PNP)Ti⋮CtBu (PNP = N[2-P(CHMe2)2-4-methylphenyl]2-) can readily activate, in some cases regioselectively, the aromatic C−H bond of...
  • dataset

    EBSD Dataset of the Alpha and Beta Phase Orientations for a Hot-Rolled Zr-2.5...

    A set of ex-situ electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) datafiles following rolling of a Zr-2.5Nb alloy at different temperatures (700C, 750C, 775C, 800C, 825C, 850C, 900C) and...
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    Additional file 2: of 3CPET: finding co-factor complexes from ChIA-PET data u...

    Excel file listing the inferred ER-alpha and RNAP-II related networks. (XLSX 35 kb)
  • dataset

    Identidad digital científica

    Seminario sobre la creación y mantenimiento de la Identidad Digital Científica impartido en las Jornadas CINAIC 2018 – EcoAprendemos, celebradas en el CICEI (Centro de...
  • dataset

    Ethogram of continuously recorded behaviour during the 12-h period prior to c...

    Ethogram of continuously recorded behaviour during the 12-h period prior to calving.
  • dataset

    Raw diffraction data for structure of SARS-CoV-2 main protease with Z32412504...

    Raw diffraction data for mpro-x1012 / PDB ID 5RF5 (see: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/entry/pdb/5RF5) - SARS-CoV-2 main protease in complex with Z3241250482...