901 items found

Tags: 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified Holocene Science Policy

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  • dataset


    This file contains the processed NGS data associated with the publication. Sequences have been collapsed to unique haplotypes and filtered for analysis. If you wish to use these...
  • dataset

    Specimen Data Spreadsheet for PLos One

    This Excel spreadsheet gives the raw data for the morphology measurements and mechanical testing measurement.
  • dataset


    The unique P6 loop trnL sequences produced by amplification of DNA with the primers bryo_P6F_1* & bryo_P6R as detailed in the associated publication. The data was recovered...
  • dataset

    excel version of isolates from HfwADB for table 2

    GPS data for isolates characterized in the survey
  • dataset

    Data spreadsheet for Carbon and nitrogen

    Data spreadsheet for Carbon and nitrogen ANOVA analyses and Fig. 2. Habitat 1 = shallow mud, 2 = muddy sand, 3 = detrital mud, 4 = deep mud
  • dataset

    Empirical data

    Condition: n = natural, f = free ranging, c = captive. SexDim = sexual dimorphism. FemDom = Female dominance, measured by the relative hierarchical position of females as the...
  • dataset

    Output of genus assignment analysis

    This directory contains the FASTA file output of the genus assignment analysis for each orthogroup that was identified using OrthoMCL (1,502 orthogroups in total).
  • dataset


    This paper investigates how former hunter-gatherers living along the southern North Sea coast in NW Europe adapted to long-term and short-term climatic and environmental changes...
  • dataset


    This file contains the available densities of Loripes and Dosinia per station in 2007
  • dataset


    DNA sequence data for the gene SUMO-1 activating enzyme (sae-1) for multiple individuals for multiple races of Heliconius erato. The data is derived from direct sequencing,...
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  • dataset

    Shores_2019_data_Figures_2_and_3_coyote_activity_times_temporal_overlap analysis

    Data of times of species observations from game cameras from 5/1/2013 to 4/30/2016. Description of columns in .csv file: standardized clocktime: 24 hour time standardized to...
  • dataset


    The termite16S_distribution.csv is a spreadsheet showing the occurrence of each read in each sample, so that one can easily find out what sequence belongs to what sample. The...
  • dataset

    MHC genotypes for 27 populations

    Genepop file of MHC genotypes for 27 populations. Genotypes are coded as haplotypes 1-27 based on the order they were discovered. For example haplotype L1-16 in the manuscript...
  • dataset


    Full dataset for 3 m segment. ID = pair-wise comparison, cat = dependent variable for logistic regression, pmem = dependent variable for multiple regression, forest = proportion...
  • dataset

    P-val-for -LD_49LociRevisedRevised

    P-values for pairwise exact tests.
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    Calculates Kinematic Transmission for the Opercular 4-bar system.
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    Joinmap formatted input file for an F2 S. chrysanthemifolius x S. squalidus mapping family
  • dataset

    Information for BAM files on NCBI SRA

    BAM files for 117 wolves, separated into genic and neutral regions. See paper text for details on alignment and mapping pipeline.
  • dataset

    remove_header script

    This python script removes the header row from each csv file that is listed in column 1 of an input csv file.