6,572 items found

Tags: 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified 80699 Information Systems not elsewhere classified Molecular Biology Science Policy

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  • dataset


    Description of files
  • dataset


    Raw data for the qPCR experiments. See readme file for a list of the columns' contents.
  • dataset

    F1-measure results for the subtree kernel with combination of different featu...

    F1-measure results for the subtree kernel with combination of different feature sets: Negation scope and cue (N), Clause dependency (C), and neuTral candidate (T).
  • dataset

    Database of mechanism of action paths for selected drug-disease indications

    Mechanistic paths that lead from drug to disease in a heterogeneous network. Version 1.1.0 includes a new tab metapaths_biolink where the majority of node and edge types have...
  • dataset


    This zip file extracts data used in Roy et al MEC-15-0690. The ".txt" file is the raw microsatellite scores in number of repeats formatted for the Convert.exe program. The...
  • dataset

    MOESM2 of New hemostatic device for grade IV–V liver injury in porcine model:...

    Additional file 2. Video 2: Stellate shape device inflicting the liver injury
  • dataset


    BAM files for Mouse3 obtained with FindMyVirus
  • dataset

    Natural history specimens collected and/or identified and deposited.

    Natural history specimen data collected and/or identified by Weir, Bevan, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2580-0701. Claims were made on Bloodhound, https://bloodhound-tracker.net...
  • dataset

    Additional file 2: of Prevalence and subtype distribution of Blastocystis sp....

    Clinical data collected from slaughterhouse A staff members and Blastocystis sp. identification. (XLSX 14 kb)
  • dataset


    general description of project and description of manuscript files
  • dataset

    Additional file 1: of Measurement resources for dissemination and implementat...

    Examples of funding mechanisms for the advancement of D&I measurement. (DOCX 21 kb)
  • dataset

    The theory of technological machines mechanisms

    The basis of this textbook is the general methods of analysis and synthesis of mechanisms by which students should study the rational construction of the structure of a modern...
  • dataset

    Brainport, Highway pilot, car in manual mode, camera detection

    Scenario description: The detection car drives around the track in manual mode, with Camera detection ON. Session description: 25 laps with VW Tiguan on Automotive Campus...
  • dataset

    FASTAQ file for Eucyclops serrulatus

    FASTAQ file for Eucyclops serrulatus
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    DIY ABC-input file of R.affinis
  • dataset


    Microsoft excel file containing raw data for Fig3B AICAR.
  • dataset


    RevBayes example file for analysis shown in Figure 1.b.
  • dataset

    Selection experiment data

    This file contains adult survival data and juvenile population counts during the course of the selection experiment described in the associated publication. The proportion of...
  • dataset

    Data for figures 1, 2, 3a, 3b and 4

    This excel file contains the data used in the analysis and production of figures 1, 2, 3a, 3b and 4 of the manuscript.