33 items found

Tags: 59999 Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified Computational Biology mesheuropmc.humanities

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  • dataset

    MOESM1 of A retrospective study of the clinical phenotype and predictors of s...

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. Correlation between age at onset and ODI in ALS patients. Value of p and r were estimated using the Spearman correlation coefficient. mo, months;...
  • dataset

    Additional file 1: of Burden of laboratory-confirmed shigellosis infections i...

    Adjusted crude incidence rates of Shigella by age and type of healthcare facility in Santa Rosa and Quetzaltenango Departments, Guatemala, 2008â 2012. (JPG 206 kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 3 of A systematic review and meta-analysis on the global prev...

    Additional file 3: Supplementary Table 2. Excel spreadsheet of extracted data from included studies for age and gender of dogs.
  • dataset

    Additional file 2: Table S2. of Implications of human evolution and admixture...

    Counts of mtDNA haplogroups for the HGDP populations analyzed here. Global population distributions of mtDNA haplogroups are organized as shown for the 1KGP in Table 1. (XLSX...
  • dataset

    MOESM12 of Evaluation of mosquito electrocuting traps as a safe alternative t...

    Additional file 12. Effect of the mean relative humidity on the estimation of the proportion of An. coluzzii. The solid black line is the regression line of the predicted...
  • dataset

    Mental health and related influencing factors among rural elderly in 14 pover...

    Abstract Background China has the largest elderly population in the world; little attention has been paid to the mental health of elderly in areas of extreme poverty. This is...
  • dataset

    Additional file 2 of Association between economic development level and tuber...

    Additional file 2. The original data of threshold regression model. All data in the excel are the median of 12-year data (95% confidence interval).
  • dataset

    Females of a gift-giving spider do not trade sex for food gifts: a consequenc...

    Abstract Background Polyandry is commonly maintained by direct benefits in gift-giving species, so females may remate as an adaptive foraging strategy. However, the assumption...
  • dataset

    Additional file 2: of A genome-wide association study reveals novel genomic r...

    An excel file with the characterization of all the SNP windows analyzed including the proportion of the genetic variance explained by each one. (ODS 137 kb)
  • dataset

    MOESM4 of A longitudinal study highlights shared aspects of the transcriptomi...

    Additional file 4. Results of GSEA of Gene Ontologies in CS and SS. Upregulated (Excel Sheet “GSEA_UP”) and downregulated (Excel Sheet “GSEA_DOWN”) gene sets resulting from the...
  • publication


    OMERACT conceptual framework of Core Areas for outcome measurement in the setting of healthcare intervention studies—reproduced from M. Boers et al. 2013J Clinical Epidemiology....
  • publication


    Additional file 5. a Per protocol correlation and diagnostic accuracy between investigators pathological ultrasonography findings and gold standard pathology found in adult high...
  • publication


    An analysis of the registration process of HMs at the Herbal Department, Dietary Supplement Department and Unclassified Department in the Kuwaiti drug regulatory authority,...
  • publication

    MOESM1 of Bronze Age meat industry: ancient mitochondrial DNA analyses of pig...

    Additional file 1. Ancient DNA extraction and Mitochondrial control region PCR. Detailed protocols for Ancient DNA extraction and PCR of mitochondrial control region.
  • publication

    Additional file 1: of Geriatric support in the emergency department: a nation...

    Questionnaire geriatric support in the emergency department:Â Dutch version of the questionnaire for geriatric department and emergency department. (DOCX 44 kb)
  • publication

    Additional file 1: of The feasibility of introducing an adult safeguarding me...

    Adult Social Care Safeguarding Survey Interview Schedule â adult at risk. (DOCX 368Â kb)
  • publication

    Additional file 2 of Study protocol: pragmatic randomized control trial of my...

    Additional file 2. Consent forms: The two consent forms used in this study.
  • publication

    Additional file 2: of Quality of life profile in three cohorts of community-d...

    Figure S1. selection procedure of participants. Three representative samples of the community-dwelling population of Lausanne city enrolled at the age of 65 to 70 were randomly...
  • publication


    Questionnaire geriatric support in the emergency department:Â French version of the questionnaire for geriatric department and emergency department. (DOCX 44 kb)
  • publication

    Additional file 1 of Antimicrobial prophylaxis is considered sufficient to pr...

    Additional file 1: Risk based classification of patients at the Small Animal Hospital of Helsinki University.