8,035 items found

Tags: 59999 Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified 80699 Information Systems not elsewhere classified Science Policy

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  • dataset


    MAP file with data on genetic markers: NordicDogs_4mars2014.map
  • dataset

    DWD European Weather 2

    opendata.dwd.de - OpenData by Deutscher Wetter Dienst Conditions: https://www.dwd.de/EN/service/copyright/copyright_node.html dates and times are UTC.
  • dataset


    This data file contains functional MRI data of subject 4 in Experiment 1. Specifically, the data file contains the functional MRI time series (EPI T2*w, nifti format) for test...
  • dataset


    Landside rainwater drainage area table.
  • dataset


    This file contains the processed NGS data associated with the publication. Sequences have been collapsed to unique haplotypes and filtered for analysis. If you wish to use these...
  • dataset


    A ZIP file of 32 discrete TIFF layers indicating the future areas of environmental suitability for Montezuma quail based on Maxent modeling.
  • dataset

    Dnig annotated unigenes

    Dnig annotated unigenes
  • dataset

    SOC modeling & Eddy covariance

    This excel file contains calculations for soil organic carbon modeling and comparison with eddy covariance measurements for three field sites, along with a number of other types...
  • dataset

    Additional file 2: of Palliative care for homeless people: a systematic revie...

    Details of assessments of studies by using the Critical Appraisal Tool. (DOCX 22 kb)
  • dataset

    Distribution of index of relative social advantage and disadvantage for study...

    Distribution of index of relative social advantage and disadvantage for study sample, state and national populations.
  • dataset

    Data and scripts used in Bayesian forecasting of coral bleaching in Abrolhos ...

    This repository contains numerical data on seawater parameters, reef monitoring field data, and the scripts used for the construction of the coral bleaching prediction model in...
  • dataset


    Poor lighting conditions in highway.
  • dataset

    Scaling criteria for cloud models.

    Scaling criteria for cloud models.
  • dataset


    This zip file extracts data used in Roy et al MEC-15-0690. The ".txt" file is the raw microsatellite scores in number of repeats formatted for the Convert.exe program. The...
  • dataset

    SCRuM Feasibility Assessment results

    Results on practical feasibility assessment of the SCRuM test battery using local rugby coaches
  • dataset

    Benchmark Of The Fretr Bayesian Restraint

    This directory contains all the scripts to run the benchmark of the FRETR Bayesian restraint, and the reference results. For more information about how to reproduce this...
  • dataset


    Galaxy workflow file (json data format) for WTS data processing, it can be imported to another Galaxy server. (GA 23Â kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 2: of Prevalence and subtype distribution of Blastocystis sp....

    Clinical data collected from slaughterhouse A staff members and Blastocystis sp. identification. (XLSX 14 kb)
  • dataset


    general description of project and description of manuscript files