16 items found

Tags: 39999 Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified 59999 Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified 80699 Information Systems not elsewhere classified ACM.GeneralLiterature_MISCELLANEOUS

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  • dataset

    Sample Identification Data

    Dataset to use in a tutorial about sample identification, using the tool Kraken. 
  • dataset


    BEAST replicate run 1 files including xml file, log file, and trees.
  • dataset


    This dataset contains the soil core data from the Australian-wide dataset used for the within core sampling design methods.
  • dataset

    BEAST run 3

    BEAST replicate run 3 files including xml file, log file, and trees.
  • dataset

    The 2019 Comparison of Tools for the Analysis of Quantitative Formal Models: ...

    This archive contains detailed results from QComp 2019 as well as the necessary scripts and data to replicate them. Visit http://qcomp.org for more information for QComp....
  • dataset

    Additional file 1: of Extracting DNA words based on the sequence features: no...

    Link of Download.doc. The download links of the data in this manuscript. (DOC 12 kb)
  • dataset

    Soil pit moisture data

    Soil pits with location and moisture content. This file has the location data for temperature data loggers listed in the file Soil Temperature data file.
  • publication

    Additional file 1: of Extracting DNA words based on the sequence features: no...

    Link of Download.doc. The download links of the data in this manuscript. (DOC 12 kb)
  • software


    GEOS-Chem 12.6.3 25 Nov 2019 This feature adds more minor fixes for issues discovered after the 12.6.1 release. GCHP bug fix: Make sure the MAPL pointer for UVALBEDO is valid...
  • dataset


    BEAST replicate run 2 files including xml file, log file, and trees.
  • dataset

    CPU Benchmarking data collected on CloudLab

    This dataset includes over over 2M CPU performance measurements collected on the CloudLab testbed. For more information about *how* and *why* it is collected, please refer...
  • dataset


    The data file consist the parameters who were described in the study protocol. The legend concerning the data is included in the second readme file
  • dataset

    Flycatcher metabolised corticosterone

    The data was collected from a nest-box breeding bird population. The data file was created in Excel 2013. Please refer to the README file for further information regarding the...
  • dataset


    Please see README file for descriptions of all included files.
  • dataset

    Rabbit Data

    This file contains the information on the rabbits used in the study. Any histories on the rabbit are also recorded in this file.