118 items found

Tags: 19999 Mathematical Sciences not elsewhere classified dataset

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    Probabilities of different IBD and IBS states for different relationships.

    Probabilities of different IBD and IBS states for different relationships.
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    Empirical data

    Condition: n = natural, f = free ranging, c = captive. SexDim = sexual dimorphism. FemDom = Female dominance, measured by the relative hierarchical position of females as the...
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    Germany has been officially free of bovine tuberculosis since 1996. However, in the last years there has been an increase of bovine tuberculosis cases, particularly in the...
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    Detailed information about the Epilesyecosystem dataset (after excluding corr...

    [22] The number of preictal intervals is the same as the number of seizures in the public dataset, while for files in the benchmark dataset labels are not publicly known.
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    Dataset A systematic review finds that spin or interpretation bias is abundan...

    This dataset is related to "A systematic review finds that spin or interpretation bias is abundant in evaluations of ovarian cancer biomarkers" (Mona Ghannad, Maria...
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    Symbol ∞ denotes no convergence. MUR, multiplicative update rules; ALS, alternating least squares; PG, projected gradients; COD, coordinate descent. The MUR/COD column shows a...
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    Experimental Error, Kurtosis, Activity Cliffs, and Methodology: What Limits t...

    Given a particular descriptor/method combination, some quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) datasets are very predictive by random-split cross-validation while...
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    The performance of the Different Machine Learning Models evaluated using the ...

    The RTF model achieves the highest AUC (0.89), Sensitivity (75%), Precision (73%) and F-Score (74%). The SVM model achieves the highest Specificity (88.9%).
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    Comparison of complexity and memory for m-sample computation for the estimation in the final time step once.
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    ‘Nonzero’ indicates the number of non-zero values in a data matrix.
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    Parameters used in PySceneDetect.
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    data for the paper

    This data source contained all of the result data in the paper. Please see the readme file to see the description of each dataset.
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    Dataset Description.

    † Microarray platforms used by submitter. a:GPL10558 b:GPL4133 c:GPL5175 d:GPL570 e:GPL571 f:GPL6883 g:GPL96 h:GPL1708 i:GPL6884 Dataset description.
  • dataset

    VAMDC extraction with identifier = c4819a00-901e-4fec-90cf-997e1566a464

    This is a dataset extracted from http://topbase.obspm.fr/12.07/vamdc/tap/ VAMDC node. Query originating this dataset: query=select species where ( radtranswavelength <...
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    Qualitatively judgments are given from very bad (− −) over average (o) to very good (++).
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    Methods to analyze the dynamics of calcium activity often rely on visually distinguishable features in time series data such as spikes, waves, or oscillations. However, systems...
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    Evaluation of pre-processing on the meta-analysis of DNA methylation data fro...

    IntroductionMeta-analysis is a powerful means for leveraging the hundreds of experiments being run worldwide into more statistically powerful analyses. This is also true for the...
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    Compressing an Ensemble With Statistical Models: An Algorithm for Global 3D S...

    One of the main challenges when working with modern climate model ensembles is the increasingly larger size of the data produced, and the consequent difficulty in storing large...
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    Gassmann Consistency for Different Inclusion-based Effective Medium Theories:...

    This is the dataset associted with the paper published in JGR: Gassmann Consistency for Different Inclusion-based Effective Medium Theories: Implications for Elastic...
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    Data from: A strong test of the Maximum Entropy Theory of Ecology

    The maximum entropy theory of ecology (METE) is a unified theory of biodiversity that predicts a large number of macroecological patterns using information on only species...