19 items found

Tags: 111714 Mental Health mesheuropmc.body regions mesheuropmc.sense organs

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  • dataset

    Mean values of EMG and pupil size observed in the first experimental session.

    Mean values of EMG and pupil size observed in the first experimental session.
  • dataset


    Trial by trial data for all lizards in instrumental task (task 1). "Liz.ID" is a combination of toe-clips and PIT tags. "Dem.ID" is the ID of the demonstrating lizard. "Batch"...
  • dataset


    Additional file 6. Wnt5a PCR in Fig. 4a. The mRNA expression levels of Wnt5a in cultured human DPCs with CRF treatment.
  • dataset


    Baseline characteristics of eyelids enrolled in each trial, n(column %).
  • dataset

    Mean values of EMG and pupil size observed in the second experimental session.

    Mean values of EMG and pupil size observed in the second experimental session.
  • dataset


    Odds ratios for recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) at 3, 4, 7 & 9 years as a predictor of depression &/ anxiety at 18.
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    This is the raw data for each of the thermal, personality, and cognitive traits used in the analyses for individual lizards.
  • dataset

    Additional file 13 of The local hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis in cultur...

    Additional file 13. Wnt5a western blot in Fig. 4b. The protein expression levels of Wnt5a in cultured human DPCs with CRF treatment.
  • dataset


    Trial by trial data for all lizards in association task (task 2). "Liz.ID" is a combination of toe-clips and PIT tags. "Dem.ID" is the ID of the demonstrating lizard. "Batch" is...
  • dataset


    Change in trichiasis severity before and after surgery among eyelids that developed post-operative trichiasis.
  • dataset

    Percent change in <i>Mcs5c</i> susceptible MEC methylation at sites within th...

    Percent change in Mcs5c susceptible MEC methylation at sites within the Pappa CGI shore relative to Mcs5c resistant MECs.
  • dataset


    Relationship between negative cognitive style and the risk of a person with RAP developing depression/ anxiety.
  • dataset

    The percentage (and odds ratios) of participants who go on to become clinical...

    The percentage (and odds ratios) of participants who go on to become clinically depressed/ anxious with each increased time point of RAP.
  • publication

    Additional file 6 of Urbanicity, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function...

    Additional file 6. Histograms of cortisol measures as used in the analyses for the JOiN sample.
  • publication

    Additional file 7 of Urbanicity, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function...

    Additional file 7. Histograms of cortisol measures as used in the analyses for the BIBO sample.
  • publication

    Additional file 1: of Work-focused cognitive behavioral intervention for psyc...

    Mean changes on psychological outcome measures from baseline through 4 and 10 month follow-up. (PDF 381 kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 12: of Potential benefit of bosentan therapy in borderline or...

    Figure TTE. Change in PA AcT from baseline to month 12 in drug-treated patients with borderline or less severe PH. (PPTX 61Â kb)
  • dataset

    The potential influence of recurrent bronchial obstruction (rBO), atopic derm...

    The influence by including each atopic manifestation (rBO, AD and AS) is shown as the percentage change of QoL per 1 nmol/L change in salivary cortisol, adjusted for age and...
  • dataset

    The cognitive style groups (high versus low) and the <i>relative risk</i> of ...

    The cognitive style groups (high versus low) and the relative risk of depression/ anxiety in those with RAP.