19 items found

Types: software Tags: Marine Biology http

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    Nay PLDI20 artifact

    The artifact of Nay, a synthesizer which can prove unrealizability of unrealizable SyGuS problems. More detail can be found in https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.00878
  • software


    Purpose ogs5py is A python-API for the OpenGeoSys 5 scientific modeling package. Installation You can install the latest version with the following command: pip install...
  • software

    Code used for the paper "Cross-asset holdings and the interbank lending market"

    These are the Matlab files used for computing the results disaplayes in the article "Cross-asset holdings and the interbank lending market"(availalble at:...
  • software


    Some minor issues are fixed in this release: * Issue 342 DirectProduct for transformation semigroups returned the wrong answer when applied to semigroups satisfying...
  • software


    SMPS toolkit is a handy tool (Igor Pro based) to process SMPS data exported by TSI AIM software. Multiple files (*.csv; *.txt) can be imported at one time and then generate...
  • software


    Opportunistically collected photographs can be used to estimate large-scale phenological trends This is the code used the above analysis. The preprint for the manuscript is...
  • software

    Geant4 10.04.03 Windows Installer (Full functionality)

    Alternative Windows installer for Geant4 10.04.03. (see also the official one http://geant4.web.cern.ch/node/1604). It is self-consistent, i.e. it does not require to install...
  • software


    Global Water Resources This is a web-based presentation on global water resources with visualizations created using d3.js (v5.1.0). File Structure code: contains a Jupyter...
  • software


    From https://github.com/sudomesh/sudowrt-firmware/releases/0.2.3 -  Features n/a Improvements upgrade tunneldigger client (see...
  • software

    bitowaqr/DutchFluTrend: Using digital epidemiology methods to monitor influen...

    'DutchFluTrend' Zenodo repository release This repository holds the source code and data for the manuscript Using digital epidemiology methods to monitor...
  • software

    Initial elevation bias analyses https://rubenarslan.github.io/initial_elevati...

    Initial elevation bias in subjective reports Replicating and extending Shrout et al. (2017). Authors: Ruben C. Arslan, Julie Driebe, Tanja Gerlach, & Lars Penke.
  • software

    Edamontology/Edamontology: Edam 1.20

    See the improved changelog-detailed.md for a detailed list of semantic changes in the EDAM ontology. Summary of changes 20 formats added (listed in...
  • software

    Global Water Resources

    Global Water Resources This is a web-based presentation on global water resources with visualizations created using d3.js (v5.1.0). The included PDF document gives static...
  • software


    This is a major release that includes new choices for linking and feature-finding algorithms, as well as many performance increases and clean-ups. It is recommended for all...
  • software


    Test Knime workflows from a Junit test. Eclipse plugin available at https://3d-e-chem.github.io/updates update site. Changes Requires KNIME 4.0 #7
  • software

    GeoStat-Framework/ogs5py v1.0.0

    Purpose ogs5py is A python-API for the OpenGeoSys 5 scientific modeling package. Installation You can install the latest version with the following command: pip install...
  • software


    This is a minor release with some important fixes. Additionally, PIMS is nolonger a required dependency, which makes installation easier. See...
  • software

    Sudowrt Home Node Firmware Ar71Xx

    From https://github.com/sudomesh/sudowrt-firmware/releases/0.2.3 -  Features n/a Improvements upgrade tunneldigger client (see...
  • software

    MLSys 2020 Artifacts for "MLPerf Training Benchmark"

    Full paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.01500.pdf This contains code and information about the complete workflow to reproduce Nvidia’s v0.5 and v0.6 ResNet-50...