32 items found

Types: software Tags: Cell Biology Immunology Plant Biology

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  • software


    R package associated with the following research paper : Fadili, M., Renaud, JP., Bock, J. et al. Annals of Forest Science (2019) 76: 30....
  • software


    list of implemented technics original regression (MLMR) original classification (MLMC) nearest neighbor MLM (NN_MLM) opposite neighborhood MLM (ON_MLM) fuzzy C-means MLM...
  • software

    labordynamicsinstitute/ldi-replication-dataprep: LDI Replication Lab Data Pre...

    These programs prepare and clean the raw data from the LDI Replication Lab. The output is manually curated on Zenodo, and used for downstream analysis.
  • software

    ReproZip: 1.0.5

    (reprounzip-vagrant didn't change) Bugfixes: Correctly download parameters from server More reliable way of determining X server IP without using /bin/ip Downloads:...
  • software


    Behavior changes: reprounzip will no longer run on Python 2.6 Bugfixes: Fixes file download not using cache if URL is HTTPS Fixes unpacking with directory or chroot for...
  • software

    CLARIAH/grlc 1.1

    grlc is a lightweight server that takes SPARQL queries curated in GitHub repositories, and translates them to Linked Data Web APIs. This enables universal access to Linked Data....
  • software

    nfrerebeau/khroma v1.1.0

    ADD: FAO Soil Reference Groups colour scheme ADD: scale_*_bright() method for Paul Tol's bright colour scheme ADD: scale_*_vibrant() method for Paul Tol's vibrant...
  • software

    Inovesa/Inovesa: 2016-11

    This feature level is described in the first paper (see https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.05293). It supports everything needed to do simulations of longitudinal phase space. Change...
  • software

    ReproZip: 1.0.9

    (reprounzip-vistrails didn't change) Bugfixes: Fix CentOS Docker image versions Remove Fedora Docker images, they don't have tar Do include .pyc files in packages, so...
  • software

    Object Oriented Internet 5.0.2

    SemanticData ModelDesign Export 5.0.2-Alpha This release: API Browser Object Oriented Internet eBook Changes: SemanticData - updated against OPC UA Specification...
  • software

    lbusett/MODIStsp: MODIStsp v 1.3.1 Release Notes

    MODIStsp v1.3.1 MODIStsp v1.3.1 was released on 13/02/2017 Major Changes Added functionality for processing of Snow Cover datasets: MOD10A1, MOD10A2, MOD10C1, MOD10C2,...
  • software


    Background This is the code used in the analysis and to generate figures 1-4 of the paper "Sausage Instabilities on Top of Kinking Lengthening Current-Carrying Magnetic Flux...
  • software


    This release adds the ties argument to sksurv.linear_model.CoxPHSurvivalAnalysis to choose between Breslow's and Efron's likelihood in the presence of tied event times....
  • software

    Software for paper: Two is better than one: Studying host plant/fungal compat...

    These files represent software I developed as part of the publication: Two is better than one: Studying host plant/fungal compatibility by using a hybrid pathogen. One file is...
  • software


    Added: Kmeans clustering XGBoost multiclass support findingVariation family of functions Changed: Develop step trains and saves models Deploy no longer trains. Loads and...
  • software

    Software used in 'Andreas Bock PhD thesis'

    This record collates DOIs for the software components used in 'Andreas Bock PhD thesis'. The Firedrake components and dependencies used were: COFFEE (A Compiler for Fast...
  • software

    formr.org: v0.12.6

    Version 0.12.6 This release lumps some previous releases, that we didn't write up. Done for v.0.12.0 See closed issues: much more complex feedback (including...
  • software


    Release note MuhRec3 3.14 - December 2017 In the current release we focussed on stability and the open source release including making automated build scripts. New features:...
  • software

    Edamontology/Edamontology: Edam 1.20

    See the improved changelog-detailed.md for a detailed list of semantic changes in the EDAM ontology. Summary of changes 20 formats added (listed in...
  • software

    rubenarslan/formr.org: v0.16.13

    Bug fix release. [0.16.13] - 02.10.2017 Changed See closed issues for details add mc_horizontal class fix some CSS bugs in new material design several UI fixes