51 items found

Types: software Tags: Biochemistry Pharmacology Sociology

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  • software


    Overview The swift project management site is now live and ready for use at https://swift-pm.herokuapp.com/. New Features Conda Support Admin Access for GCRF African SWIFT...
  • software

    Replication files for "It's Raining Men! Hallelujah? The Long-Run Consequence...

    This document presents data and programs used to produce empirical evidence presented in the article and in the Online Appendix. Codes for this paper were run using Stata. The...
  • software

    Shogun: Shogun 4.1.0 - Tajinohi No Agatamori

    This is a new feature and cleanup release. Features: Added GEMPLP for approximate inference to the structured output framework [Jiaolong Xu]. Effeciency improvements of the...
  • software

    Adversarial Algorithms In Tensorflow

    Bug fix for DeepFool binary classifier case Add batch mode for DeepFool where the algorithm runs until the max epoch is reached. Add batch mode example
  • software

    ReproZip: 1.0.5

    (reprounzip-vagrant didn't change) Bugfixes: Correctly download parameters from server More reliable way of determining X server IP without using /bin/ip Downloads:...
  • software


    nbgrader version 0.5.5 is a release for the Journal of Open Source education, with the following PRs merged: PR #1057: Ensure consistency in capitalizing Jupyter Notebook PR...
  • software


    This record collates DOIs for the software components used in 'Code generation for generally mapped finite elements'. The Firedrake components and dependencies used were:...
  • software


    ========================== SciPy 0.18.1 Release Notes SciPy 0.18.1 is a bug-fix release with no new features compared to 0.18.0. Authors @kleskjr Evgeni Burovski CJ Carey...
  • software

    nfrerebeau/khroma v1.1.0

    ADD: FAO Soil Reference Groups colour scheme ADD: scale_*_bright() method for Paul Tol's bright colour scheme ADD: scale_*_vibrant() method for Paul Tol's vibrant...
  • software


    Changes: new tools: index poly wshfl zexp index: generate indices poly: generate polynomial patterns (Siddharth Iyer) wshfl: wave-shuffling (Siddharth Iyer) zexp: replace...
  • software

    ReproZip: 1.0.8

    Behavior changes: No longer default to overwriting trace directories. ReproZip will ask what to do or exit with an error if one of --continue/--overwrite is not provided...
  • software

    poldracklab/fmriprep: 1.0.4

    Release notes This release fixes minor issues found during Testing Phase 2, and gives a solution to some execution errors derived from Nipype latest changes. CHANGES [FIX] Pin...
  • software


    Colour Science for Python Colour is a Python colour science package implementing a comprehensive number of colour theory transformations and algorithms. It is open source and...
  • software


    This release improves wordings, common questions and example snippets. Keywords and logic are unchanged and backwards compatible for revision releases. Changes to "1.0.0" Base...
  • software

    autoRIFT (autonomous Repeat Image Feature Tracking)

    A Python module of a fast and intelligent algorithm for finding the pixel displacement between two images autoRIFT can be installed as a standalone Python module (does not...
  • software


    GEOS-Chem 12.8.0 04 May 2020 This version includes the following updates: Isoprene chemistry Wet deposition parameterization Ozone deposition to the ocean Use online...
  • software


    This record collates DOIs for the software components used in 'Code generation for generally mapped finite elements'. The Firedrake components and dependencies used were:...
  • software

    geoschem/geos-chem: GEOS-Chem 12.0.0 release

    GEOS-Chem 12.0.2 Released 10 Oct 2018 This release contains fixes for minor issues that were discovered after the GEOS-Chem 12.0.1 release, namely: (1) Fixed local-time...
  • software


    This record collates DOIs for the software components used in 'An augmented Lagrangian preconditioner for the 3D stationary incompressible Navier--Stokes equations at high...