48 items found

Types: software Tags: BIDS

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  • software

    SAMRI — Small Animal Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    SAMRI (Small Animal Magnetic Resonance Imaging) - pronounced "Sam-rye" - provides fMRI preprocessing, metadata parsing, and data analysis functions and pipelines....
  • software


    This the second hotfix of Multi-Scale Brain Parcellator v1.1.0. Close #11
  • software


    [FIX] Adopt new FreeSurfer (v6.0.1) license mechanism (#787) [ENH] Output affine transforms from original T1w images to preprocessed anatomical (#726) [FIX] Correct headers in...
  • software

    NiBetaSeries: task related correlations in fMRI

    ## Release Notes Thanks to @PeerHerholz and @njvack for their contributions on this release. Special thanks to @snastase for being a great reviewer and improving the project...
  • software


    Release Notes Bugfixes, an additional iteration over Sentry reporting and some relevant ME-EPI updates (with thanks to @emdupre). CHANGES [ENH] Update ME-EPI workflow to...
  • software

    poldracklab/fmriprep: 1.0.2

    CHANGES [FIX] Grouping runs broke FMRIPREP on some datasets (#916) Thanks to @emdupre for fixing this.
  • software

    Poldracklab/Fmriprep: 1.0.12

    Release Notes A long overdue release. This release integrates the great work of @mgxd to provide results in the CIFTI/grayordinates format for surface-based analyses. It also...
  • software


    What's Changed Migrations catchup (#651) @adelavega Have report tooltip follow same display rules as rest of anlysis buil… (#647) @rwblair Bump werkzeug from 0.12.1 to 0.15.3...
  • software

    poldracklab/fmriprep: 1.0.4

    Release notes This release fixes minor issues found during Testing Phase 2, and gives a solution to some execution errors derived from Nipype latest changes. CHANGES [FIX] Pin...
  • software


    This is the 8th beta release of the Multi-Scale Brain Parcellator v1.0.0
  • software


    Release Notes This release comes with many updates to the documentation, a more lightweight SignalExtraction, a new dynamic boilerplate and some new features from Nipype....
  • software

    Poldracklab/Fmriprep: 1.0.0

    Release notes FMRIPREP 1.0.0, codename "BOLD raccoon", is the first official release of FMRIPREP. FMRIPREP "BOLD" is the outcome of a thorough testing process to assess that...
  • software


    Release Notes This version includes a number of minor fixes and improvements. EEG files are better handled, and BIDSLayout and BIDSFile play more nicely with Path-like objects....
  • software


    Release Notes Various documentation and testing changes. We will be using readthedocs going forward and not "doctr" CHANGES [FIX] Remove high_pass references from...
  • software

    bids-standard/pybids: 0.7.0

    Release notes This is a major, API-breaking release. It introduces a large number of new features, bug fixes, and improvements. API-BREAKING CHANGES: A number of entities (or...
  • software


    [ENH] Add inverse normalization transform (MNI -> T1w) to derivatives (#754) [ENH] Fall back to initial registration if BBR fails (#694) [FIX] Header and affine transform...
  • software


    Release Notes A hotfix release addressing issues related to TemplateFlow for Singularity users. CHANGES FIX: Make sure --cifti-output requires at least one of fsaverage{5,6}...
  • software


    Release notes Hotfix to a problem identified in the "PEPOLAR" susceptibility distortion correction path. With thanks to @danlurie for contributions. CHANGES [MAINT] Update...
  • software

    Hbclab/Nibetaseries: V0.2.1

    Release Notes Large thanks to everyone at neurohackademy that helped make this a reality. This release is still a bit premature because I'm testing out my workflow for making...
  • software

    sebastientourbier/multiscalebrainparcellator v1.1.0-hotfix

    Multi-Scale Brain Parcellator, part of the Connectome Mapping Toolkit (CMTK), is a BIDS App that implements a full anatomical MRI processing pipeline, from raw T1w data to...