27 items found

Types: software Tags: 60506 Virology Cell Biology Marine Biology

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  • software

    UMCUGenetics/IAP: v2.0.0

    New sge module, containing qsub templates which use the new time and mem variables. New karyotypeplot. Seperate markdup settings from mapping settings. Send done email...
  • software

    Replication files for "It's Raining Men! Hallelujah? The Long-Run Consequence...

    This document presents data and programs used to produce empirical evidence presented in the article and in the Online Appendix. Codes for this paper were run using Stata. The...
  • software


    list of implemented technics original regression (MLMR) original classification (MLMC) nearest neighbor MLM (NN_MLM) opposite neighborhood MLM (ON_MLM) fuzzy C-means MLM...
  • software


    Behavior changes: reprounzip will no longer run on Python 2.6 Bugfixes: Fixes file download not using cache if URL is HTTPS Fixes unpacking with directory or chroot for...
  • software

    neurostuff/NiMARE: Initial release

    Release Notes This is NiMARE's initial release. NiMARE is still alpha software, so the package may change dramatically from release to release and there may be bugs in the code....
  • software

    Poldracklab/Fmriprep: 1.0.12

    Release Notes A long overdue release. This release integrates the great work of @mgxd to provide results in the CIFTI/grayordinates format for surface-based analyses. It also...
  • software


    What's Changed Migrations catchup (#651) @adelavega Have report tooltip follow same display rules as rest of anlysis buil… (#647) @rwblair Bump werkzeug from 0.12.1 to 0.15.3...
  • software

    Object Oriented Internet 5.0.2

    SemanticData ModelDesign Export 5.0.2-Alpha This release: API Browser Object Oriented Internet eBook Changes: SemanticData - updated against OPC UA Specification...
  • software

    Software for paper: Two is better than one: Studying host plant/fungal compat...

    These files represent software I developed as part of the publication: Two is better than one: Studying host plant/fungal compatibility by using a hybrid pathogen. One file is...
  • software


    Release Notes Various documentation and testing changes. We will be using readthedocs going forward and not "doctr" CHANGES [FIX] Remove high_pass references from...
  • software

    Hbclab/Nibetaseries: V0.2.1

    Release Notes Large thanks to everyone at neurohackademy that helped make this a reality. This release is still a bit premature because I'm testing out my workflow for making...
  • software


    Release Notes This is a bug fix release in the 0.7 series. The primary API change is improved handling of Path objects. CHANGES FIX: Path validation (#342) FIX: Ensure...
  • software

    Axonal fiber quantification in fluorescence images

    A set of Fiji macros for axonal fiber quantification in fluorescence images. These macros were developed for the study: Fasting Induces Remodeling Of The Orexigenic...
  • software

    neuroscout/neuroscout: 0.7 -- pre-corona virus

    What's Changed Truncate contrast name in NV upload (#740) @adelavega Extract Sensorimotor Norms (#739) @adelavega Context-dependent word level estimates (#734) @adelavega Add f...
  • software

    poldracklab/fmriprep: 1.1.7

    Release Notes Several bug fixes. With thanks to Elizabeth Dupre and Romain Vala for contributions. CHANGES [FIX] Revert FreeSurfer download URL (#1280) @chrisfilo [FIX] Default...
  • software


    New Using TParallelFileMerger to write analysis trees (see below). Added code to sort data from iThemba decay station: Added TTdrFile and TTdrEvent classes as well as data...
  • software


    Fixes in this release checkplot: add a short cp2png function for convenience checkplot/hplc: add gzip support checkplot, hplc, lcproc: fix binary mode opening for gzipped...
  • software


    Release Notes This is a release candidate to test deployment. CHANGES [REL] v0.4.0rc1 (#239) @jdkent [DOC] update instructions with template checklist (#242) @jdkent [FIX]...
  • software


    Release Notes Improves the documentation, which thanks to @jarodroland and @tsalo, and fixes some bugs. CHANGES [DOC] Replace --clearenv with correct --cleanenv flag (#1237)...
  • software


    This is primarily a maintenance release. Highlights of this release include: Silence matplotlib warnings (including in future matplotlib 3.2 release) (#932) wt.artists.savefig...