47 items found

Types: software Tags: 60506 Virology Biochemistry Genetics

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  • software


    "Blaster" is a Microsoft Windows-based sequence processing and analysis tool that provides simple and intuitive graphical user interface to some of the most common tools for...
  • software

    Replication files for "It's Raining Men! Hallelujah? The Long-Run Consequence...

    This document presents data and programs used to produce empirical evidence presented in the article and in the Online Appendix. Codes for this paper were run using Stata. The...
  • software


    list of implemented technics original regression (MLMR) original classification (MLMC) nearest neighbor MLM (NN_MLM) opposite neighborhood MLM (ON_MLM) fuzzy C-means MLM...
  • software


    reprounzip-vistrails didn't change) Bugfixes: Fixes error using Docker with--enable-x11 on Python 3 Enhancements: docker run gets a --detach command, to keep the...
  • software


    Behavior changes: reprounzip will no longer run on Python 2.6 Bugfixes: Fixes file download not using cache if URL is HTTPS Fixes unpacking with directory or chroot for...
  • software


    GenerateAG.m is a short MATLAB script that calculates a restricted generalized inverse AG using input data from an atmospheric photochemistry mechanism. The inverse problem...
  • software

    neurostuff/NiMARE: Initial release

    Release Notes This is NiMARE's initial release. NiMARE is still alpha software, so the package may change dramatically from release to release and there may be bugs in the code....
  • software

    Poldracklab/Fmriprep: 1.0.12

    Release Notes A long overdue release. This release integrates the great work of @mgxd to provide results in the CIFTI/grayordinates format for surface-based analyses. It also...
  • software


    This Julia code is accompanying the paper Decompounding discrete distributions: a non-parametric Bayesian approach by Shota Gugushvili, Ester Mariucci and Frank van der Meulen....
  • software


    What's Changed Migrations catchup (#651) @adelavega Have report tooltip follow same display rules as rest of anlysis buil… (#647) @rwblair Bump werkzeug from 0.12.1 to 0.15.3...
  • software

    Object Oriented Internet 5.0.2

    SemanticData ModelDesign Export 5.0.2-Alpha This release: API Browser Object Oriented Internet eBook Changes: SemanticData - updated against OPC UA Specification...
  • software

    GNU Astronomy Utilities

    GNU Astronomy Utilities (Gnuastro) is a collection of programs and libraries for astronomical data analysis. Its main tarballs are hosted on gnu.org, but each version is also...
  • software

    lbusett/MODIStsp: MODIStsp v 1.3.1 Release Notes

    MODIStsp v1.3.1 MODIStsp v1.3.1 was released on 13/02/2017 Major Changes Added functionality for processing of Snow Cover datasets: MOD10A1, MOD10A2, MOD10C1, MOD10C2,...
  • software

    Mntabassm/Saen-Lars: Zenodo

    Package Repository | SAEN-LARS  Version: 1.0.0 Title: Sequential Adaptive Elastic Net Approach for Single-snapshot Source Localization Short...
  • software


    Submission to the exact treedepth track of PACE 2020 by Tuukka Korhonen (University of Helsinki). The submission is based on an algorithm that branches on (small) minimal...
  • software

    AdamEAhmed/PCR-Analyze: R PCR Script

    An R script repository accompanying the abstract 'A Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction Analysis Solution in R'
  • software

    ReproZip: 1.0.3

    Bugfixes: You could get a traceback with some unpackers (not Vagrant) on some packages that explicitely pack the / directory Some environment variables prevented running,...
  • software

    Dycone: Publication Release

    This describes the release after implementing the revisions. Description Dycone ("dynamic cone") allows you infer enzymatic regulation from metabolome mesurements....
  • software


    The software can be used to predict if a Microsoft system can be hit by a malware.The dataset is from Microsoft Malware Prediction competition on Kaggle. The dataset is...
  • software

    StuntsPT/Structure_threader: Bells and whistles

    Lots of changes in this new release. Implemented improved logging (with colors!) The arguments are now split between run and plot There were plenty of changes to the way...