80 items found

Types: software Tags: 110309 Infectious Diseases Genetics Pharmacology

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  • software

    Software used in 'Discontinuous Galerkin discretization for two-equation turb...

    This record collates DOIs for the software components used in 'Discontinuous Galerkin discretization for two-equation turbulence closure model'. The Firedrake components and...
  • software

    Replication files for "It's Raining Men! Hallelujah? The Long-Run Consequence...

    This document presents data and programs used to produce empirical evidence presented in the article and in the Online Appendix. Codes for this paper were run using Stata. The...
  • software


    list of implemented technics original regression (MLMR) original classification (MLMC) nearest neighbor MLM (NN_MLM) opposite neighborhood MLM (ON_MLM) fuzzy C-means MLM...
  • software

    labordynamicsinstitute/ldi-replication-dataprep: LDI Replication Lab Data Pre...

    These programs prepare and clean the raw data from the LDI Replication Lab. The output is manually curated on Zenodo, and used for downstream analysis.
  • software


    Framework for clustering, phenotyping, pseudotiming and inferring gene regulatory networks from single cell data.
  • software


    Natural products (NPs), often also referred to as secondary metabolites, are small molecules synthesized by living organisms. Natural products are of interest due to their...
  • software

    Gcube Catalogue-Badge-Portlet Portlet

    accept-invite-portlet manage the sent invitations Support Bugs and support requests can be reported in the gCube issue tracking tool:...
  • software

    gCube storagehub-client-wrapper

    This is a wrapper of storagehub-client library. It allows to interact with storagehub in a simplified way by exposing several utilities. Moreover, It exposes object as defined...
  • software

    wiqr R package: a SPARQL client for Wikidata Query Service

    wiqr is a small R package containing simple SPARQL client for Wikidata Query Service.   Installation You can install the latest development version...
  • software

    ReproZip: 1.0.8

    Behavior changes: No longer default to overwriting trace directories. ReproZip will ask what to do or exit with an error if one of --continue/--overwrite is not provided...
  • software


    magicCalling v0.0.2 magicCalling is an R package for converting raw marker data into marker alleles. It implements two novel methods.  The first is a model-based clustering...
  • software


    A MatLab code producing a model estimate of energy and efficiency in Extended Emission produced in black hole spin-down against a thick torus. It uses numerical integration of...
  • software

    Object Oriented Internet 5.0.2

    SemanticData ModelDesign Export 5.0.2-Alpha This release: API Browser Object Oriented Internet eBook Changes: SemanticData - updated against OPC UA Specification...
  • software

    GNU Astronomy Utilities

    GNU Astronomy Utilities (Gnuastro) is a collection of programs and libraries for astronomical data analysis. Its main tarballs are hosted on gnu.org, but each version is also...
  • software

    Freesasa 2.0

    FreeSASA is an open source library and command line tool to calculate the solvent accessible surface areas of protein molecules. The library is as fast and accurate as existing...
  • software


    This is the 8th beta release of the Multi-Scale Brain Parcellator v1.0.0
  • software

    Tracks position of a carbon flame, puts info into history file, and more

    MESA run_star_extra to tracks the position of a carbon flame, puts info into history file, and more
  • software


    Whitening gravitational-strain data is a common procedure prior to searches for transient events. This program whitens strain data by moving normalization of standard deviation...
  • software


    This release improves wordings, common questions and example snippets. Keywords and logic are unchanged and backwards compatible for revision releases. Changes to "1.0.0" Base...
  • software

    Mntabassm/Saen-Lars: Zenodo

    Package Repository | SAEN-LARS  Version: 1.0.0 Title: Sequential Adaptive Elastic Net Approach for Single-snapshot Source Localization Short...