196 items found

Types: publication Tags: Computational Biology mesheuropmc.parasitic diseases

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    Additional file 2. Study procedures for hospitals and clinics in southern Zambia, 2016–2018
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    Additional file 1. Levels of care utilization in Kenyan counties (by care type).
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    Additional file 2: of Herd-level seroprevalence of Fasciola hepatica and Oste...

    Detailed data regarding cattle herds enrolled in the study. Detailed data regarding cattle herds enrolled in the study including province, optical density ratio (ODR) in...
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    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Baseline prevalence and intensity of schistos...

    Prevalence of S. haematobium infection according to school attendance in the respective study sites. Table S2. Prevalence of S. mansoni infection according to school attendance...
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    Random-effect meta-analysis of Isospora infection in HIV-infected people. (PDF 345Â kb)
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    Additional file 3 of Lessons from a decade of individual-based models for inf...

    The relative number of IBM studies over time. Supporting information on additional literature searches to estimate the relative number of IBM studies for infectious disease...
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    MOESM1 of Factors associated with the uptake of newly introduced childhood va...

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. Percentage* of children aged 12–23 months who are fully vaccinated with RVV and PCV in Ethiopia, by a source of information (Vaccination card‡ seen...
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    Reported efficacy and predicted egg reduction rate by age group and site, PZQ 40Â mg/kg. (DOCX 32 kb)
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    Additional file 3: Table S2. of ID1 promotes hepatocellular carcinoma prolife...

    bHLH transcription factors that could possibly bind G6PD promoter by using bioinformatic analysis. (DOCX 30 kb)
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    Additional file 1: of Effort-reward imbalance and self-rated health among Gam...

    Questionnaire for the Investigation of Effort-reward Imbalance and Self-rated Health among Gambian Healthcare Professionals. (DOC 616Â kb)
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    Additional file 4 of Prevalence of Enterobius vermicularis infections and ass...

    Additional file 4: Table S3. Univariate analysis of household sanitary conditions associated with Enterobius vermicularis infections among the study participants.
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    Questionnaire of the study. Nutritional status and correlated socioeconomic factors among preschool and school children in plantation communities, Sri Lanka - Questionnaire....
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    MOESM1 of Determinants and adverse perinatal outcomes of low birth weight new...

    Additional file 1. English version Questionnaire of determinants and outcomes of low birth weight in HUCSH, Southern Ethiopia, 2018.
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    Questionnaire 1. The questionnaire of farmer family health in Jiangxi Province. (DOCX 21.2 kb)
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    Additional file 1 of A systematic review and meta-analysis on the global prev...

    Additional file 1: Supplementary Figure 1. The pooled molecular prevalence of microsporidia infection in dogs. Supplementary Figure 2. The pooled molecular prevalence of Enc....
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    ICT Survey in infant and school children from Kalay District in 2008. (DOCX 22 kb)
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    Additional file 3: of The contribution of malaria control interventions on sp...

    Malaria intervention coverage in 2009 and 2014. Percentage of households with one ITN (a), percentage of households with at least 1 ITN for every two people (b), percentage of...
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    a review of the evidence for Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan and Tanzania

    Background: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries are facing an epidemiological shift from infectious disease to chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). CVDs...
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    Additional file 5: of Severe thrombocytopaenia in patients with vivax malaria...

    Proportions of mild and moderate thrombocytopaenia in vivax malaria (DOC 62Â kb)
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    Additional file 2: Table S2. Cost-benefit analyses of malaria control and elimination.