88 items found

Types: dataset Tags: Social psychology cognitive science psychology

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    Descriptive statistics and correlations among the key variables in Study 1.

    Note: Gender was dummy-coded as 0 for male and 1 for female. *p<.05. **p<.01. ***p<.001.
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    Results from five logistic regression models are presented, comparing the atheist target to the gay target for each Moral Foundation violation. The % of conjunction errors in...
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    Long and short form versions of the YCPS-R and corresponding item numbers.
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    The frequencies of particular types of punishers and types of punishments by malicious players.
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    Note. N = 133. ain degrees Celsius; operative ambient temperature was calculated according to ISO 7726:1998 (International Organization for Standardization, 1998) [26].bin...
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    Note: Factor loadings higher than |.50| on the rotated factors (oblimin rotation with Kaiser normalization) are presented.
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    The Social Explanatory Styles Questionnaire (SESQ). (DOCX)
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    Results emerged by a series of mixed-models.

    AIC and BIC indicate Akaike Information Criterion [33] and Bayesian Information Criterion [34] respectively. Bayes Factor is approximated by formula [35].
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    File S1 - Everything Is Permitted? People Intuitively Judge Immorality as Rep...

    Contains full stimuli sets, participant demographics, analyses on political affiliations and religiosity, as well as three additional pilot studies. Figure S1, Density plot of...
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    In Others' Shoes: Do Individual Differences in Empathy and Theory of Mind Sha...

    Abundant evidence across the behavioral and social sciences suggests that there are substantial individual differences in pro-social behavior. However, little is known about the...
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    Mean Size Estimates (cm) for each Experiment.

    Note. The table presents the means and standard deviations (in parentheses) for size estimates.
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    Values in brackets are SEM. C =  congruent trials; I =  incongruent trials.
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    Characteristics of the students in the subsets.

    202 students were randomised in three groups using stratification on the Grade Point Average (GPA). Students in the non-randomised group differed from the control group in the...
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    Note–Data are mean (standard deviation) values. STAI  =  Spielberger State Trait Anxiety Inventory; BDI  = Beck Depression Inventory-II; RSES  =  Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale;...
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    Experiment 2′s participants’ details.

    Experiment 2′s participants’ details.
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    Results of the Moderator Analyses: Performance-Approach Goals.

    Notes: Cells not sharing a common superscript differ significantly (p<.05) from each other. rw = correlation coefficient, CI = confidence intervals, k = number of effect...
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    Note: Factor loadings higher than |.50| on the rotated factors (oblimin rotation with Kaiser normalization) are presented.
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    ***p<.001, **p<.01, *p<.05.
  • dataset

    Hierarchical multiple logistic regression analyses for the prediction of choi...

    Note. Choice behavior was coded as 0 = water and 1 = beer. Continuous predictors were standardized in order to facilitate the interpretation of the odds ratio. PPNT =...