95 items found

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    Descriptive statistics and correlations among the key variables in Study 1.

    Note: Gender was dummy-coded as 0 for male and 1 for female. *p<.05. **p<.01. ***p<.001.
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    Vegetarians’ and Vegans’ Ingroup and Outgroup Evaluations under Low and High ...

    Note. Higher means represent more favorable evaluations.
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    Results from five logistic regression models are presented, comparing the atheist target to the gay target for each Moral Foundation violation. The % of conjunction errors in...
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    Note: All questions above were presented to Study 2 participants as a single list, and did not include the measures' labels as depicted in this table. Participants were...
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    Supplementary Methods and Analyses. (DOCX)
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    The frequencies of particular types of punishers and types of punishments by malicious players.
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    Study 1 Means and Standard Deviations (<i>SD</i>) of Faculty Members' Video R...

    Note: Study 1 faculty respondents (N = 40) were asked to watch a work-focused lab video (“Work-focused”) and a work/life-interaction-focused lab video (“Work/life-interaction”)...
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    Summary of conditions including codes related to the experimenter, the experi...

    Summary of conditions including codes related to the experimenter, the experimenter-teacher relation, and the setting.
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    Note. N = 133. ain degrees Celsius; operative ambient temperature was calculated according to ISO 7726:1998 (International Organization for Standardization, 1998) [26].bin...
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    Large-scale mobilization of individuals across social networks is becoming increasingly prevalent in society. However, little is known about what affects the speed of social...
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    Nb: number of parameters.
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    File S1 - Do Intergroup Conflicts Necessarily Result from Outgroup Hate?

    Screenshots of the experimental instructions and the main stages of the experiment. (PDF)
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    Notes: 1The mean family incomes for both groups were skewed by high income outliers. The median family income for the experimental/app group was $72,500 and the median income...
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    aThe block order was counterbalanced across participants with reversed target practice and incongruent combined blocks (practice and test) completed first in half of the...
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    Results emerged by a series of mixed-models.

    AIC and BIC indicate Akaike Information Criterion [33] and Bayesian Information Criterion [34] respectively. Bayes Factor is approximated by formula [35].
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    File S1 - Everything Is Permitted? People Intuitively Judge Immorality as Rep...

    Contains full stimuli sets, participant demographics, analyses on political affiliations and religiosity, as well as three additional pilot studies. Figure S1, Density plot of...
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    Logistic regression results for the <i>COALOW</i> and <i>COAHIGH</i> conditions.

    The table shows the hierarchical four-level logistic regression estimates on whether (1) or not (0) a relation is present after an evaluation moment in the COALOW and the...
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    Values in brackets are SEM. C =  congruent trials; I =  incongruent trials.
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    Note–Data are mean (standard deviation) values. STAI  =  Spielberger State Trait Anxiety Inventory; BDI  = Beck Depression Inventory-II; RSES  =  Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale;...