15 items found

Types: dataset Tags: Biological Sciences Criminal justice system behavior

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    Descriptive statistics and correlations among the key variables in Study 1.

    Note: Gender was dummy-coded as 0 for male and 1 for female. *p<.05. **p<.01. ***p<.001.
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    The frequencies of particular types of punishers and types of punishments by malicious players.
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    Note. N = 133. ain degrees Celsius; operative ambient temperature was calculated according to ISO 7726:1998 (International Organization for Standardization, 1998) [26].bin...
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    Note: *** p<0.001, ** p<0.01. Estimates are arranged by coefficient magnitude in descending order (see text). L – latent, K – known print, LxK – interaction.
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    Zero-Order Correlations for all Variables.

    Note. N = 133. *p<0.05.
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    File S1 - Modeling the Underlying Dynamics of the Spread of Crime

    Supporting information and figures. In File S1, we carry out in some detail the calculus and algebra calculations needed to compute endemic equilibria, compute formulas for...
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    The function <i>c(p)</i> of the punishment costs.

    p is the number of punishments submitted by a player to another player. c(p) is a function of the punishment costs is adopted from [1].
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    Correlations between dependent measures.

    Note. *** p<0.001, ** p<0.01, *p<0.5.
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    Predictors for accuracy model.

    Note: *** p<0.001, ** p<0.01. p-values are reported here, but should be interpreted with caution. They were not used for model selection. Estimates are arranged by coefficient...
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    Note: *** p<0.001, ** p<0.01. Estimates are arranged by coefficient magnitude in descending order (see text). L – latent, K – known print, LxK – interaction.
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    File S1 - Justine Effect: Punishment of the Unduly Self-Sacrificing Cooperati...

    Details of the experimental setup, including screenshots. (PDF)
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    Summary statistics.

    Values are presented as Mean ±SEM. Abbreviations: fWHR [34]; EME [44]; ULh, LLh and Nw [33]; Index 1 [47], Index 2 [48], [50], Index 3 [10], [49], ProcDist [54], [79], DiscSco1...
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    Forensic Comparison and Matching of Fingerprints: Using Quantitative Image Me...

    Latent fingerprint examination is a complex task that, despite advances in image processing, still fundamentally depends on the visual judgments of highly trained human...
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    Appendix S1 - Innocent until Primed: Mock Jurors' Racially Biased Response to...

    Jury Instructions. Instructions that were included only in the presumption of innocence condition are in bold. Instructions that were included only in the crime description...
  • dataset

    Results of hierarchical regression equations testing the role of BJW-others o...

    Note: Gender was dummy-coded as 0 for male and 1 for female. **p<.01. ***p<.001.