149 items found

Tags: ACM.GeneralLiterature_MISCELLANEOUS Molecular Biology

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  • software

    salilab/cryptosite: cryptosite 0.1 release

    This release of the code should match that currently used by the web server at https://salilab.org/cryptosite/.
  • software

    ACRMGroup/epitopes v1.0

    Code and data for our paper on analysis of epitope discontinuity and conformation: B-cell Epitopes: Discontinuity and Conformational Analysis Saba Ferdousa,b,  Sebastian...
  • dataset


    Perl script returns top 500 BLAST results for each results file in a directory.
  • dataset

    Academic Meta Tool - Ontology

    Academic Meta Tool Ontology more at http://academic-meta-tool.xyz/ontology/
  • dataset


    BEAST replicate run 2 files including xml file, log file, and trees.
  • dataset

    ECSA EIE WG - presentations Philipp Schrögel & Christian Humm and Rick Hall

    This is a recording of two presentations that were given on 26.02.2019 at the meeting of the working group on "Empowerment, Inclusiveness and Equity" co-chaired by Claudia...
  • dataset


    Please see README file for description of all data files.
  • dataset

    ORCID migrations by person

    This file is an aggregation of affiliation data for each person. It is part of the output of the IPython Notebook above.
  • dataset

    Phylogenetic H3N2 control file

    BEAST .xml file to run phylogenetic analysis for H3N2.
  • dataset

    2. MLTR Bias Simulations File 1

    Please see the Read Me file included with this data deposit.
  • dataset

    Data By Male

    This file contains data on reproductive success, ornamentation, and breeding density for each adult male included in the paper. Column headers are mostly self-explanatory and...
  • dataset


    The data file consist the parameters who were described in the study protocol. The legend concerning the data is included in the second readme file
  • dataset

    Additional file 1: of Long-term outcome of scleral-fixated intraocular lens i...

    Supplemental Digital Content. Demonstrates the surgical techniques in this manuscript. (MPEG 19176 kb)
  • dataset


    Number of faculty who exited before their 10th anniversary of hire, by gender, estimated two ways*.
  • dataset

    Flycatcher metabolised corticosterone

    The data was collected from a nest-box breeding bird population. The data file was created in Excel 2013. Please refer to the README file for further information regarding the...
  • dataset

    camera trap data

    A dataset of collected by nine below-snow camera traps. See metadata file for detailed description.
  • dataset

    Data sets for the Simulated AMPI (SAMPI) load balancing simulation workflow a...

    This package contains data sets and scripts (in an Org-mode file) related to our submission to the special Euro-Par 2017 issue of the  journal "Concurrency...
  • dataset


    input file for running ABC analysis with DIYABC v2
  • dataset

    3. MLTR Bias Simulations File 2

    Please see the Read Me file included with this data deposit.
  • dataset

    HardwareX repository submission instructions

    This repository describes how to use HardwareX's approved file repositories. A file repository accompanies the submission of a manuscript using the Editorial Manager online...