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    Baseline characteristics of patients.

    ap-value comparing normal pulmonary function and abnormal pulmonary function groups. bp-value according to one-way ANOVA comparing patients with normal pulmonary function,...
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    Group characteristics.

    *P-values for comparison across racial groups were derived from ANOVA. †P-values for comparison between the study group and the EE group were computed by Student’s t-test. All...
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    Baseline characteristics of study population.

    Data are mean ± standard deviation or median [interquartile range]. BMI, body mass index; SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; A1c, Glycated...
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    Subject demographics.

    All values represent either number of subjects or the mean±SEM. aRepresents years of education completed. Completion of GED scored as 12 years. The groups were significantly...
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    PCR primers used in this study.

    The underlines indicate the restriction enzyme sites introduced for ligation. *After cloning the γ-tubulin-mCherry fusion gene into the pyroA vector, the N-terminal region of...
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    (a) Four treatments included: A) a healthy tomato ‘receiver’ plant was connected with a neighboring Alternaria solani-challenged tomato ‘donor’ plant through common mycorrhizal...
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    Patients characteristics.

    Legend to Table 2 to 7B: The CTL epitopes that should be recognized according to the HLA alleles are defined using the HXB2 reference. The observed corresponding epitopes in the...
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    Subject characteristics.

    Values represent good to excellent coefficient of correlations (p<0.05 for all). Empty cells indicate moderate or low correlations (p>0.05). Abbreviations are the same as Table...
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    Descriptive statistics for all variables.

    Age and reading age are reported in months. VA span is reported in number of letters. Units for visual processing speed and VSTM capacity are number of elements per second and...
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    Characteristics of the study cohort.

    1Among 3,315 assessable patients in our data base, 209 died early, due to early toxic death (n = 163, 4.9%), other cancers (n = 8, 0.2%), unknown reasons (n = 17), probable but...
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    Supporting Information Data.

    This file contains date including antioxidant activity, MDA levels, H2O2 contents, O2·- production rates, fluorescence characteristics, gas exchange parameters, principal...
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    Characteristics of the study sample.

    Data expressed as median (interquartile range), except when indicated otherwise. Standardized scores are adjusted for age, gender and education, according to available...
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    Summary of measures.

    Note that all measures prioritise evolutionary distinctiveness (‘ED’ above), and that all components are scaled such that their means are zero and standard deviations one unless...
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    Characteristics of included studies.

    RCT: Randomised controlled trial. GS: Gilead Sciences. R: Roche. GSK: GlaxoSmithKline. NS: not stated. aCopies/mL converted to IU/mL by dividing by 5.bThe limit of detection of...