77 items found

Tags: Inorganic Chemistry Insects

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  • dataset

    JEB 2014 00161 data

    Data on sperm length, testes size, body size (elytra length), P1 and P2. Abbreviations included in column headings
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    Explanations for datafile "Microsatellite data.xls" This datafile contains microsatellite genotype information of Mastomys natalensis. General comment: "-9" describes a...
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    Data files and R script

    Data collected for larval survival, development and feeding assays, as well as R code used to perform statistical analyses.
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    Data file from the female manipulation experiment
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    This file corresponds to the sequence and corresponding information on individuals analyzed in the document
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    Structure data file. C. arvensis- and U. dioica-associated populations of H. obsoletus sampled over five consecutive years (2005-2009) at the syntopic site Bacharach, Germany
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    Partitioning scheme for outgroup analysis

    Partitioning scheme for outgroup analysis
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    Norway Chironomidae Pupal Exuviae Specimen Data

    Specimen data for Chironomidae pupal exuviae voucher specimens submitted to the NTNU University Museum.
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    Individual data.

    The above data includes agreed patients' individual preprocessed fMRI images. NC:control group(15); Stroke:stroke group(13). Image Acquisition All participants were scanned...
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    Data for adult morphology and coloration, egg weight and larval morphormetric traits, and data for gene expression. Ten separate files plus one Readme file are included in the...
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    Master data set for the paper entitled "Aboveground biomass is driven by mass-ratio effects and stand structural attributes in a temperate deciduous forest." This data set...
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    Structure data file for level-3 analyis. C. arvensis- and U. dioica-associated populations of H. obsoletus from Italy and Slovenia
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    termite16S_Clean fas

    After pre-processing, 475,980 reads are left, of which 203,223 are non-redundant, these reads are included in the termite16S_Clean.fas file
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    Treemix analysis

    This compressed directory contains the files we used to conduct the treemix analysis. This includes scripts and infiles. A readme.txt file is included providing additional details.
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    Excel spread sheet includes a distribution of the filtered 16S 454-reads annotated to species level from termites collected from three different colonies (S7-S10; S11-S14; and...
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    To examine which genes were differential regulated following attack by aphid soldiers, we used quantitative PCR to assess expression levels of multiple immune genes in two...
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    Appendix 3

    Appendix 3 includes a summary of the number of reads and unique sequences per sample