142 items found

Tags: 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified Adaptation Ecology Evolutionary Biology

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  • dataset


    RADseq vcf file individuals described in table S1 in Supporting Information
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    Results of competition experiments designed to estimate the fitness of evolving E. coli populations relative to their common ancestor
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    The demultiplexing file. Includes the sample name, population, sex, the barcodes used, sequencing length and data generator.
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    VCF file with ddRad-seq dataset. This dataset comprises 10,615 single-SNP loci polymorphic in a sample of 735 Undaria pinnatifida sporophytes originating from 36 temporal or...
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    Whole-genome alignment of A. arabiensis and A. quadriannulatus pop. samples

    The data are supplied in the Multisample Variant Format (Pease and Rosenzweig, 2015). A complete suite of tools for processing MVF files is available on github at...
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    Collection information, fitness, Genbank Accession, and closest 16S match in Genbank for each rhizobium isolate (.xls format in Microsoft Excel)
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    data for common garden individuals

    All adults measured at time of specimen preparation at end of egg-laying. All F1 measured at approximately 365 days post-hatching. NA’s exist in the data where injury, illness,...
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    Genetic data

    This zip contains our genetic data (8 microsatellites) for our nematode populations in a Fstat format. Each file correspond to one population (the name of the file),with the...
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    Raw genomic data (Denali Hwy)

    Raw genomic RadSeq data from individuals in the Denali Highway population. This zip archive contains 6 gzip compressed fastq files.
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    Files and scripts for testing different models of selection and mating preferences for generating observed karyotype frequencies in Timema cristinae populations
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    female wing length

    Female wing length (in millimeters) of populations from the US and Japan in the 2008 collection. Measurements performed as described in text of publication. Three letter...
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    Lucania goodei RH2-2

    This is a fasta file that contains the sequence data for the RH2-2 opsin in Lucania goodei. Genbank would not accept this data because we used cDNA that was pooled from several...
  • dataset

    Additional file 3: of High-density genotyping reveals signatures of selection...

    Additional candidate genes top-ranked in selected regions of 15 Russian sheep breeds. (XLSX 11 kb)
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    Distance matrices for population trees

    Nei's genetic distance matrices for populations used in this study. A separate file for each chromosome & inversion type is provided.
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    Behavioral assays

    Raw data on the behavioral assays, focussing on N. oneida and N. giraulti males (Fig. 4). Whether a copulation has occurred or not is given in the second column for each pairing...
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    Female pupal mass (in milligrams) of populations from the US and Japan in the 2008 collection. Three letter population codes as in Table A1 of publication. jp= japan, us =...
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    mpileup file of Littorina saxatilis RNAseq reads from 12 samples mapped to the reference genome. sample 1: Spain, crab ecotype, replicate 1. sample 2: Spain, crab ecotype,...
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    Cuticular hydrocarbon amounts for male and female Drosophila mojavensis reared on fermenting agria (Stenocereus gummosus) or organ pipe (S. thurberi) cactus tissues. Samples are...
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    Swiss Stn381 survey

    The file contains the internal sample code, the population site abbreviated as in table 1 and the STN381 loci for each individual.
  • dataset

    Phenotypic trait data

    For each individual: Mountain of origin (Mountain), Site abbreviation (Population), Altitude (low or high), Egg mass of origin (Family), Treatment (temperature; oC), Basket...