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Tags: Computational Biology Developmental Biology Science Policy

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    Metabolomics analysis reveals the metabolic and functional roles of flavonoid...

    Abstract Background As the predominant secondary metabolic pathway in tea plants, flavonoid biosynthesis increases with increasing temperature and illumination. However, the...
  • dataset

    MOESM1 of Modelling the dynamics of economic development driven by agricultur...

    Additional file 1. Projected data pertaining to the indicators of development for Patna region.
  • dataset

    Additional file 1: of Simple adjustment of the sequence weight algorithm rema...

    The ascii pssm file made from MSA-A using PSI-BLAST. (ASCII 5 kb)
  • dataset

    MOESM45 of Annual dialysis data report 2017, JSDT Renal Data Registry

    Additional file 45: Table S45. Prevalent PD patient count, by age and sex, 2017
  • dataset

    Additional file 6: Figure S3. of Defining the nitrogen regulated transcriptom...

    Images of IGV files from differentially expressed intergenic regions and antisense-strand reads mentioned in the text. (PPTX 495Â kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 8: of Sixteen kiwi (Apteryx spp) transcriptomes provide a wea...

    Comma separated file (.csv) of 150 transcripts differentially expressed between male and female kiwi. Includes the β-statistic, magnitude of expression difference, direction of...
  • dataset

    Additional file 2: of Etmopteridae bioluminescence: dorsal pattern specificit...

    Animated GIF of CT scan sagittal section of Etmopterus spinax dorsal spine and fin, starting from the body (1) till the end of the spine (4) and backward. (GIF 74 kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 8: of Using intervention mapping to develop a theory-driven, ...

    Matrix of change objectives for adoption and implementation. (DOCX 18 kb)