216 items found

Tags: culture

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  • dataset

    Associations between real election outcomes and face-based inferences of corr...

    Associations between real election outcomes and face-based inferences of corruption.
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    Relative abundance of microbiota taxa at family/genus level.
  • dataset


    Each row corresponds to one out of the 4202 fungal cultures obtained in the study. Column “Seed lot ID” specifies the unique identifier of a seed lot, and column “Seed number”...
  • dataset

    The effect of response time on the association between face-based trait infer...

    The effect of response time on the association between face-based trait inferences and real election outcomes.
  • dataset

    Regression model for distrust in foreigners in Japan.

    Regression model for distrust in foreigners in Japan.
  • dataset

    Chronological overview of mean isotopic values.

    Total sample size of each chronological period, mean isotopic values of all human (infans I excluded) and animal samples. Additional information on isotopic differences of δ13C...
  • dataset


    Descriptive statistics and correlations between variables.
  • dataset

    Numbers of certain historical figures for top 100 list of each language: <i>N...

    Numbers of certain historical figures for top 100 list of each language: N1 is the number of historical figures of a given language among the top 100 PageRank global historical...
  • dataset

    Additional yields and costs of selective culture by sample type.

    Additional yields and costs of selective culture by sample type.
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    Duhumbi utensils, household implements and tools

    Short description: This collection of videos, audio and photo files displays Duhumbi aspects of culture between 2012 and 2017. It showcases several household utensils and...
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    Comparison of culture and a multiplex probe PCR for identifying <i>Mycoplasma...

    Mycoplasma spp. are a major cause of mastitis, arthritis and pneumonia in cattle, and have been associated with reproductive disorders in cows. While culture is the traditional...
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    Self-report Measures of Musical Training among Musicians with and without Improvisation Training.
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    Input parameters of the algorithm.

    Input parameters of the algorithm.
  • dataset

    Primary Postnatal Dorsal Root Ganglion Culture from Conventionally Slaughtere...

    Neurological disorders in ruminants have an important impact on veterinary health, but very few host-specific in vitro models have been established to study diseases affecting...
  • dataset

    Primer and probe sequences used for multiplex probe PCR and culture speciatio...

    Primer and probe sequences used for multiplex probe PCR and culture speciation [28].
  • dataset

    Rate of speaker identification (SIR).

    For V. Hugo the standard deviation could not be computed since only one book was considered. For B. Sanderson, due to the last three Wheel of Time books being written by a...
  • dataset

    Identification of bacteria isolated from cultures of corneal scraping.

    Identification of bacteria isolated from cultures of corneal scraping.
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    Mean values ± standard errors of 4 replicates (two biological replicates and two technical replicates of each biological experiment) are shown.
  • dataset


    Genetic characteristics of MRSA isolates of the general versus the asylum seeker patient population.