130 items found

Tags: Health systems strengthening

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    Demographic characteristics of participants.
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    Characteristics of the study participants.

    The continuous variables are presented as mean (SD) and p-value (t-test). The discrete variables are presented as frequency (%) and p-value (χ2 -test). In Model 1A, HTN is...
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    *p<0.05, **p<0.001, ***p<0.0001.
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    Characteristics of the study population.

    SD = standard deviation; BMI = body mass index; BFP = Body fat percentage measured with bioelectrical impedance [24]; WHR = waist-hip ratio; HGS = handgrip strength, the highest...
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    Notes: Studies scoring ≥7 were considered ‘high quality’ (Grade A) while those <7 were rated ‘low quality’ (Grade B). Scoring adopted from Husebo et al. (2012) and Jack et al....
  • dataset

    Ratio of ward-specific unit cost per bed-day to the unit cost per outpatient ...

    Observations = 41. Abbreviations: ratio_go = ratio of unit cost of Ob/Gyn to outpatient ward, mo = Internal medicine to outpatient, so = surgery to outpatient, po = pediatric...
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    Evidence table.

    Evidence table.
  • dataset

    Crude and standardized<sup>*</sup> mortality rates of RTIs in Peru per 100,00...

    *Note: The data for mortality rates by sex or age groups were standardized to the Peruvian population of 2008.
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    List of competency domains to be considered for inclusion in the curriculum.

    List of competency domains to be considered for inclusion in the curriculum.
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    Teachers' Perception <i>versus</i> Knowledge (n = 56).

    aRelated-Samples Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test.bOverall weighted mean (according to the number of items in each topic).
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    Incidence rates of RTIs in Peru by region, 1993–2008 per 100,000 inhabitants.
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    Descriptive statistics of outcomes, nurse-level & department-level variables.

    Note: SD  =  Standard deviation; Min  =  Minimum; Max  =  Maximum.
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    DP = Dihydroartemisinin Piperaquine; AL = Artemether-Lumefantrine; SD = Standard Deviation; Max = Maximum; Min = Minimum. aUsing the data reported by a multi-centre trial of...
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    Effect of UEBMI on health services utilisation by the level of hospitals.

    Note: Chi-square test was used to testify the significant difference.
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    Criteria used to assess study quality.

    Notes: ++ must meet at least 6 criterion indicated above. + must meet at least 4 criterion indicated above. − did not have the 4 criterion necessary for + classification. ++...
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    Follow-up outcome measures (n = 1280).
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    Examples of mHealth programs on MNH services through CHWs<b>.</b>

    SOURCE: Compiled from references [13], [22], [25], [28]–[29], [30]–[34], [40]–[45].
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    SHO Text Messaging Distribution Frequency – Current Smoker and Recent Quitter...

    SHO Text Messaging Distribution Frequency – Current Smoker and Recent Quitter Profiles.
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    Absolute numbers of those reported injured or killed by RTIs in Peru, 1973–2008.

    *For 1973–1992, supopulation totals for age, sex and outcome are extrapolated from 2008–2008. For 1993–1999, supopulation totals for age and sex are extrapolated from 2000–2008.