275 items found


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    Search strings allocated to non-native species.

    Search terms used to conduct internet searches (using Google, Yahoo and Bing) and locate scientific publications using Web of Knowledge.
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    Initial set of keywords for each query.
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    In this article, we present the Brazilian Portuguese Lexicon, a new word-based corpus for psycholinguistic and computational linguistic research in Brazilian Portuguese. We...
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    A document XML file with an example book in INEX Social Book Search.

    A document XML file with an example book in INEX Social Book Search.
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    Example of list of top 10 persons by PageRank for English Wikipedia with thei...

    Example of list of top 10 persons by PageRank for English Wikipedia with their field of activity and native language.
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    Average precision scores at various recall settings for different representation schemes.
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    This file contains the metadata for all of the articles retrieved from Web of Science.
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    Example tweets from each category of Twitter user.

    Example tweets from each category of Twitter user.
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    MAP and avg. recall comparisons with state-of-the-art CBIR techniques on the ...

    MAP and avg. recall comparisons with state-of-the-art CBIR techniques on the Corel-1500 image collection (bold values indicate best performance).
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    Supplemental Video 1

    Video file of baseline sensory assessments.
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    Descriptive Statistics of Study 1.

    Scores represent the number of the information type stated over all the stimuli for both conditions. RECALL is the number of script information deployed after recall questions.
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    MOESM2 of What is the evidence that ecosystem components or functions have an...

    Additional file 2. Test lists, and number of articles from the test lists retrieved by the bibliographic search.
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    TEI files in Recogito/Archivos TEI en REcogito

    Video tutorial about the TEI/XML download options of Recogito. Bilingual video. Subtitles in Spanish.
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    Additional file 1. Demonstration video of the app (in Spanish).
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    DOS translation into Spanish.
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    Tables sorted by CN ranking. Network measures and ranking, by network dataset.
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    Factors predicting unintended pregnancy among pregnant women (Logistic regres...

    * Adjusted for place of residence and wealth index.
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    TEI files in Recogito / Archivos TEI en Recogito

    Video tutorial about the TEI/XML upload options and file sharing using Recogito. Bilingual video. Subtitles in Spanish.