60 items found

Types: software Tags: 60506 Virology Microbiology

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  • software


    pyclustering 0.8.1 library is collection of clustering algorithms, oscillatory networks, neural networks, etc. GENERAL CHANGES: Implemented feature to use specific metric...
  • software

    Detecting Myrtle Rust (Austropuccinia Psidii) On Lemon Myrtle Trees Using Spe...

    This release creates the required DOI for the publication of the article: Detecting myrtle rust (Austropuccinia psidii) on lemon myrtle trees using spectral signatures and...
  • software

    Research-Software/Resosuma-Data: 0.1.0

    resosuma-0.1.0.csv is a mapping of Daniel S. Katz' original visualization of the research software sustainability space, as presented in a talk [1]. [1] D. S. Katz,...
  • software

    connectomicslab/connectomemapper3: Connectome Mapper v3.0.0-beta-20200206

    This is the beta release 3.0.0-beta-20190815 of the Connectome Mapper. List of changes with respect to previous 3.0.0-beta-20190520: DOC: Update index.rst DOC: fix typo...
  • software

    SebastianBocquet/pygtc: Big update to 0.2.0

    Version 0.2.0 updates: Option to turn off tick label rotation Long tick labels are now lined up correctly with their ticks Option to fine tune position of label relative to...
  • software


    GNU Astronomy Utilities (Gnuastro) is a collection of programs and libraries for astronomical data analysis. Its main tarballs are hosted on gnu.org, but each version is also...
  • software

    Precise Convolution Coefficient Calculator

    Computations of convolution coefficient matrices (CCM) for multidimensional least-squares filters are challenging, as their standard numerical...
  • software


    An API to report on ORCIDs in a repository in a commonly* understood way Development initiated as part of https://github.com/adammoore/corda/wiki/Hackday-outputs...
  • software


    Support for diagnostics based on seasonal or annual climatology data, including: Latitude-Longitude contour maps (AMWG set 5) Polar contour maps (AMWG set 7) Zonal mean line...
  • software


    Web services application for the Phenoscape Knowledgebase.
  • software

    Object-Oriented Internet

    Semantic-Data ModelDesign Export 5.1.0 This release API Browser Object Oriented Internet eBook This update comprises the following changes: Semantic-Data...
  • software

    Pdebuyl-Lab/Rmpcdmd: Rmpcdmd 1.0

    This is the first official release of RMPCDMD. It is described in the article "RMPCDMD: Simulations of colloids with coarse-grained hydrodynamics, chemical reactions and...
  • software


    This release contains a replication analysis of Irving & Holden 2016 for the Satoshi Village blog. The blog post is published at http://blog.dhimmel.com/irreproducible-timestamps/.
  • software

    Source Code And Data For "A Model Of Bacterial Toxin-Dependent Pathogenesis E...

    This package contains supplementary material and the source code for the simulator used in the manuscript: A model of bacterial toxin-dependent pathogenesis explains infective...
  • software

    Living Lab Data Web App 2018

    A web application hosted https://www.cemac.leeds.ac.uk/living-lab/ to retrievable and display air quality data around Leeds University Campus. The source code is open source and...
  • software

    Raspi-Camera Top-Down Plant Imaging (12X) Config V1.0

    Configuration for time-lapse top-down photography. This is a minor update. Two of the helper scripts now print progress indicator messages. All other changes were...
  • software


    What's Changed always add subject level to bidsmodel #641 (#648) @rwblair Fix travis ffmpeg PPA (#694) @adelavega MNT: Add motion outlier (fmriprep) to predictor schema (#693)...
  • software

    ParseWiki: A python toolbox for parsing Wikipedia articles

    The first official release of the Wikipedia parser which allows the extraction of all Wikipedia articles and revisions in all available languages.
  • software


    The release for re-submission of Lam et al. paper.
  • software


    R scripts used to perform the analyses described in the manuscript "Indication of spatially random occurrence of Chlamydia-like organisms in Bufo bufo tadpoles from ponds...