87 items found

Types: software Tags: 19999 Mathematical Sciences not elsewhere classified Biotechnology

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  • software


    DrugPrep is an algorithm for transforming raw medications data into formatted, analysis-ready drug exposure data.  The current version of DrugPrep archived here has been...
  • software


    This packages contains all sources that are required to generate the paper. Especially the benchmarks are included.
  • software


    These MATLAB scripts were utilized to mill the tips from the crystal lattice point clouds that we exported from VESTA. For further details on the procedure see the corresponding...
  • software

    Greedy Optimal Control For Elliptic Problems And Its Application To Turnpike ...

    Greedy optimal control for elliptic problems and its application to turnpike problems (matlab)
  • software

    shannon-lab/zapdos: Initial Zapdos release

    This is the initial release of Zapdos, a code meant for finite element modeling of plasma fluid equations. Demonstrated Zapdos capability includes: - Full coupling in one...
  • software


    This includes source codes to run IGSP.
  • software


    This deposit contains : 1 matlab script for mono-phase computation -  Grainsize_BEV_Code_MonoPhase.m 1 matlab script for mono-phase results display -...
  • software

    Matlab code and simulated data for paper ""Convergence rates for distributed ...

    This is a Matlab code and simulated Matlab data for the paper: D. Jakovetic, D. Bajovic, A.K. Sahu and S. Kar, “Convergence rates for distributed stochastic optimization...
  • software

    Co.Temp - Comparing Series Of Temperatures

    This program aims to offer useful information on temperature series (i.e.: identify the biases in the daily maximum and minimum temperature, compare manual and automatic weather...
  • software

    Accompanying Source Code For "Inverse Estimation Of Cardiac Activation Times ...

    This folder contains the data and source code related to the manuscript 'Inverse estimation of cardiac activation times via gradient-based optimisation' by Siri Kallhovd, Mary...
  • software

    Script S1 - The Case of Moulay Ismael - Fact or Fancy?

    The Python script we used for the simulation. Comments in the program explain the variables used and describe the steps of the calculations. (PY)
  • software


    Artifact for Paper 143 at CC 2020.
  • software

    Codes for paper "An Empirical Study of C++ Vulnerabilities in Crowd-Sourced C...

    Codes for the paper "An Empirical Study of C++ Vulnerabilities in Crowd-Sourced Code Examples"
  • software

    Hermes reliable replication protocol -- ASPLOS'20 Artifact

    This publicly available artifact contains a snap-shot of Hermes(KV) repository. The repository consists of the Hermes protocol specification (e.g., for model checking) and all...
  • software


    A description through graphics of the latest available data for military, educational and healthcare spending accross the G20 countries. 
  • software

    Artifact Evaluation for the Optimization-Driven Incremental Inline Substituti...

    This evaluation reproduces the comparison between GraalVM’s new optimization-driven priority-based inliner, GraalVM’s legacy (open-source) greedy inliner, and the...
  • software

    New integer-order approximations of discrete-time non-commensurate fractional...

    (FMR-FW Cross) Fourier Model Reduction - Frequency Weighted Cross Gramian This archive contains the Matlab scripts of the FMR-FW cross Gramian method for discrete-time...
  • software

    Phylogenetic model selection for non-stationary Markov processes

    PhyloTree.zip archive with the implementation of  Inherited Rate Matrix algorithm for model selection in molecular evolutionary analysis. Also the PhyloTreeManuscript.zip...
  • software

    logKDE: Computing Log-Transformed Kernel Density Estimates for Positive Data

    Computes log-transformed kernel density estimates for positive data using a variety of kernels. It follows the methods described in Jones, Nguyen and McLachlan (2018)...
  • software


    Source code pertaining to the statistical analysis of ALSPAC data.