266 items found

Types: software Tags: 111714 Mental Health

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  • software


    This is the analysis code for our paper at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbagrm.2019.194444 It was used to generate all figures in the article (report directory).
  • software

    Unittest - R Package

    Concise TAP compliant unit testing package. Authored tests can be run using CMD check with minimal implementation overhead.
  • software


    With closing #26, the CLI is now done through cobra -- which expands the user-friendliness of the CLI with "did you mean" messages and builtin --version/--help commands. I also...
  • software


    Model for Research of Aerosols and Climate This critical release fixes a major error in the ice nucleation routine, which only allowed it to be called when the temperature was...
  • software


    This project uses bootstrap and html to analyze NFL player data and CTE among athletes.
  • software

    mallocMC 2.3.1: Illegal Memory Access in XMallocSIMD

    This release fixes an illegal memory access in the distribution policy XMallocSIMD. Please see #149 #150 for details. Thanks to Matthias Springer for reporting that issue! A...
  • software

    TorchCraftAI v1.1

    A bot platform for machine learning research on StarCraft®: Brood War®. Learn more at https://torchcraft.github.io/TorchCraftAI/
  • software

    asensio-lab/popular-sentiment-electric-vehicle-drivers-united-states: First r...

    First code release for "Popular Sentiment of Electric Vehicle Drivers in the United States"
  • software

    Segmentator v1.3.0

    Segmentator is a free and open-source package for multi-dimensional data exploration and segmentation for 3D images. This application is mainly developed and tested using...
  • software

    Poldracklab/Fmriprep: 1.0.12

    Release Notes A long overdue release. This release integrates the great work of @mgxd to provide results in the CIFTI/grayordinates format for surface-based analyses. It also...
  • software

    Maze Solver Algorithm

    Using image processing, it solves the maze image and exact the route for vehicles
  • software

    guaix-ucm/numina: v0.19

    Astronomical data reduction package
  • software

    Residential Income Segregation: A Behavioral Model Of The Housing Market

    This is the code to replicate the results in Pangallo et al. "Residential income segregation: A behavioral model of the housing market"
  • software

    Code For Bayesian Inference Of Dose-Response Curve Parameters

    This is an archived version of the initial release of dose-response-fitting to co-incide with a Wellcome Open Research article. The latest version can be found at:...
  • software


    voPerson is both a set of recommendations and an ldap attribute schema (object class), intended to provide a common reference point for attribute management within a Virtual...
  • software


    This is a roleplaying game inspired from 8 queens problem, made through my first year master degree in 2011.  This game starts from two dimentional board, n= length of the...
  • software

    3mmaRand / MSSC-maths-and-stats-week

    A two hour Introduction to R Markdown for R users delivered as part of Maths and Stats Skills week for the Maths and Stats Skills Centre, University of York, UK
  • software

    guaix-ucm/numina: v0.20.1

    Astronomical data reduction package
  • software

    earthlab/earthpy: 0.6.2 on pypi

    Many significant updates to earthpy including testing, docs and improved functions.
  • software


    TU Delft bike lab embedded systems projects