557 items found

Types: publication Tags: 110309 Infectious Diseases 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified Marine Biology

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    Supplemental QuicK-mer validation figures. (PDF 1024Â kb)
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    Table S1. Primers used to amplify USUV genomes. (DOCX 22 kb)
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    The role of alternative salt bridges in cold adaptation of a novel psychrophilic laminarinase
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    Scenarios for the different HPV-related health states. (DOCX 38 kb)
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    Text S1. Phage-related repeat PhRepA in P. luminescens. Text S2. Mobile genetic elements in the P. luminescens TT01/TT01m and DJC genomes. Table S1. Differences between the...
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    Additional file 19: Figure S6. of De novo transcriptome...

    Changes in the reactive oxygen accumulation and activities of antioxidative enzyme in DX and GN under cold stress. (PDF 308 kb)
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    Additional file 1: Figure S6. of The perceptual categorisation of blended and...

    Olfactory two-dimensional similarity space for UK experts. (Blue single malt, black blends, red grain whisky). (DOCX 113Â kb)
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    Additional file 10: of Modelling cardiac fibrosis using three-dimensional car...

    Table S2. List of the primers used in this study. (DOCX 16 kb)
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    Periostin upregulated OA related genes in a similar trend among all donors. The same trend of periostin effects was observed in two other donors by qRT-PCR for cells (A) and...
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    Additional file 4: Figure S1. Comparison of female (n = 5) and male (n = 3) preterm rabbit pups. Included female pups weighed 47.6 ± 4.9 g and included male pups weighed 53.1 ±...
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    Additional file 2: of Improvement in the active management of the third stage...

    QoC Survey Inventory Checklist: A checklist used to collect information on health facility readiness for PPH prevention. (PDF 184 kb)
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    Focused list of published roles for miR that are differentially expressed in follicular trachoma that relate to inflammation or fibrosis. (PDF 59Â kb)
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    Additional file 1 of Validity and usability testing of a health systems guida...

    AGREE-HS Reporting Checklist. (DOCX 683 kb)
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    MOESM3 of Effect of water source and feed regime on development and phenotypi...

    Additional file 3: Table S3. Post-hoc following General linear model, Turkey’s pairwise differences on wing length.
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    Table S4. Information on previous hospital stays of the patients. Depicts previous hospital stays of the patients, including information in which hospitals they previously...
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    Additional file 3: Table S3. Pairwise comparisons of the Unexposed_No apparent disease, Possibly Exposed_no apparent disease, and Mesothelioma Patients groups. Table S4....
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    Influence of preservation methods on the quality of colostrum sourced from Ne...

    AIMS: To assess the effect of two temperatures (ambient temperature and 4°C), three preservation methods (no preservative, yoghurt and potassium sorbate), and two periods of...